And I thought David Ralston was dangerous. This is unbelievable. Both my Representative, Stan Gunter and Senator Bo Hatchett voted FOR this bill. There will come a time when those in leadership will have to read and understand bills presented to them for voting. Simple one subject bills the way it was designed. Thanks for your insight and help on these matters.

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Than you so much Hank for putting this matter in its proper perspective. I complain in my heart and with my MAGA girls that this 2022 election was machine rigged. Please... no one I personally know wanted “Rattsburger

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Appropriate photo for the WEFfer RINO.

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You totally nailed it! THANK YOU so much for explaining so well what's going on. People need to wake up to the TRUTH. We should share it all over the place. When these politics get in "power", they have a hard time giving up. They want more and SB2021 exposed them all. Interesting that nobody in the Republican House voted AGAINST it. Democrats voted against it because it was Kemp. If it was S. Abrams, I'm pretty sure they would vote for it.

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This is just awful. So disheartening.

I'm thankful for Greg, and for Burt Jones on this one. Not so sure about Burt Jones now though, as he pushed hard for 520 I believe (?).

Seems like very few have any integrity, and what little they have gets purchased lickety split when they enter politics.

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I think Burt was far from pushing 520.

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I'm sorry, I was obviously mis-informed. I'm glad to hear this.

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Terrifying! How terrible a childhood (or a marriage) can one have to produce a degenerate like Kemp. Who does he think he is?! I can only hope that a promised comeuppance materializes soon.

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So your missive here, brings the picture of how 2022 run to life!

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