§ 21-2-193. List of Names of Candidates to Appear on Ballot; Publication of List

Universal Citation: GA Code § 21-2-193 (2022)

On a date set by the Secretary of State, but not later than 60 days preceding the date on which a presidential preference primary is to be held, the state executive committee of each party which is to conduct a presidential preference primary shall submit to the Secretary of State a list of the names of the candidates of such party to appear on the presidential preference primary ballot. Such lists shall be published on the website of the Secretary of State during the fourth week immediately preceding the date on which the presidential preference primary is to be held.

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023Author

Thanks for the comment, however, I do not believe you read what I wrote. I agree with 21-2-193 100%. I have written nothing in conflict with 21-2-193. If you go back and read what I wrote, you will find that the issue is not 21-2-193. It is in the definition of "state executive committee." That term, in law, refers not to the term, "State Executive Committee" in GRP, Inc. Rules. The "State Executive Committee" as it is named in the GRP, Inc. Rules, is a mere subcommittee of the "state executive committee" in the law. The "state executive committee" in law corresponds with the "State Committee" in GRP, Inc. Rules. The sleight of hand in all of this is that the GRP, Inc. Rules uses the same words, forming a term, as is found in the law, however the GRP, Inc. Rules capitalizes the words comprising the term, making it a name, rather than a description. In other words, the "state executive committee" in law is that committee named, "State Committee" in the GRP, Rules.

It is confusing. It is designed to be confusing. It appears the executives of the "State Executive Committee," have been usurping the power of the real "state executive committee" in law for years!! That does not matter. It must go on no longer and must be brought under the law.

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