THANK YOU! This explained a lot in a very clear way.

McCormick has been such a disappointment. I was hoodwinked by his fake "America First good doctor" persona. He needs to go.

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Wow. Please watch your back. They will be after you.

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Once again, Hank your in-depth analysis is perspicacious, prescient and cogent as to what really went on there, past, present and future including all the worldwide geopolitical players in this drama…

Thanking you

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After putting my dictionary back on the shelf, I thank you so much for your kind Comment. ;)

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I've wondered why all the upheaval in the middle east seemed to perpetuate all along as even despots like peace, and following all the pieces over time, this article now ties it up in a bow to explain it. I hope that Trump can finally get the ball rolling rid us of this cabal of Big Club business interests and put some sunlight on it where he can, to cure the infestation without putting himself in the crosshairs (again). The almost maniacal past efforts to discredit him through 'lawfare' and media are more in focus since now it makes perfect sense on WHY the Big Club was worried. On the other hand, I would not mind seeing Iran and Russia suffer, either.

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I'm glad it now makes sense. Now that your paradigm has shifted, apply what you know to other events and circumstances, including those which occur in the future, and they will make much more sense.

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Thank you Hank for your research and enlightening article. Education of We The People is a must for us to be aware of and contend with our “handlers”.

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Thanks for the kind remarks, Sam, and for all you do as well.

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You need to get a bomb sniffing dog for your plane. I have saved this article in case something happens. Be sure to check in with someone not with you regularly

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Great analysis. But let's do what we can to right this wrong. How did we let warmonger Rich McCormick get in office? I cringe knowing that he is in Washington representing me. It is not too soon to look for someone to run against Mad Dog McCormick. They always plan way ahead. We should also.

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Me too. I would love for a credible candidate to emerge.

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The US withdrawal from Afghanistan was actually negotiated by the Trump Administration in 2020. That total failure was a joint effort by both administrations.

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Let's assume that is true. Who was blamed for the way it all actually came down?

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Chuddle, the withdrawal negotiated by trump had ss a condition that the US would keep a managing presence at Bagram Air Base

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If the plans Trump had were to have been followed, the withdrawal would have been much less chaotic and without the loss of $$,$$$,$$$,$$$ of top line military equipment. Biteme and his so-called State Department were paid handsomely [10% for the Big Guy??] to leave the equipment for Iran to secure and "sell" to "needy" organizations around the Middle East.

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Thanks so much for your in depth writing and understanding of what is going on in this world, our counties our state, and our country. I sure do appreciate your work.

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So, i see a potential problem with the Sullivan thesis.

Assad kept Russia keep a naval bass in Syria. That gave Russia an incentive to help Assad to stay in power.

Maybe Assad’s military just couldn’t hold on any longer.

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There is one naval base and one airbase. Those bases were in Syria as part of the same arrangement. It all fits together to protect Assad, deny the gas line, and give Russia immediate access to the Mediterranean for both air and sea forces. Both bases are still there. I saw a report that Personnel were beginning to mobilize, as if to vacate. I also see a report that the new regime has reached out to Putin to discuss things. Best to have things both ways when you are merely one week into a new job.

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Thank you, Mr. Sullivan, for one of the best political accounts of Syria I have ever read. I knew about many of the events you described, but your article tied it all together.

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Thanks for letting me know. That makes all the difference.

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Sullivan wrote, as usual, a well researched and detailed article.

The qatari pipeline issue is new to me.

I don’t want to believe Sullivan’s thesis. But i fear that Sullivan may be onto something.

There is a lot to think about here.

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SOUNDS like Putin is a traitor to his country

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Why would you say that?

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by giving up defense of Syria he allows the pipeline to be built.... the effetis very bad for Russia... he made a bad deal

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Russia's defense of Syria was always supplemental. The Syrian government had grown so weak that its military could no longer hold its own ground. At some point, given the resources expended in Ukraine, Putin would have to question whether he was throwing good money and resources after bad to keep Assad in power. But there is a legitimate question there.

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FROM reports i've read sounds like no resistance was given to a very small force....so some sort of agreement made to step down. also real questions about Russia's war effort on Ukraine... to prolong the war.

given the importance of that future pipeline an effort needed to be made...they weren't blindsided.

i think there are global plans both sides, just theater,

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