Thank you! I read the letter on Facebook and was confused. I voted for McDonald and actually know the Cox family, so I wanted to know the whole story. It’s hard to wade through local politics sometimes because there aren’t political pundits breaking it all down like they do for national politics. You took a balance approach, which I appreciate, because I also like and voted for some of the people in “the club”. Also loved that you pointed out all of the grammatical errors 🤣. As a teacher, I noticed those immediately and thought, “How unprofessional”. Of course as I type this, I’m sure I’ll have a typo or two… anyway, really appreciate the whole article!

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Thank you Sarah!

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Whew, you stoked the 'ol smokestack on this one, Hank. I'm exhausted🥵... Thank you again!

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You missed what is right under your nose, Hank. McDonald is not an outsider. He is actually a founding member of The Club and he even bragged about it before he launched his attack on Semanson. This is on tape and was the key part of McDonald’s opening statement, surprised you didn’t catch this. He was reminding those in the room he was one of them.

The actual Club that is a breeding ground for these Dixiecrats who have controlled Forsyth for years is the local Rotary Club, of which McDonald claims to be founding President. The breakfast was full of Club members, as it was actually an official Club event, and is why McDonald felt comfortable picking a public fight in this venue full of club members, just like he did with Sheri Gilligan at the same event in 2022.

This club launches political candidates and funds their campaigns. Most member of the Club have paid their dues and proven their loyalty within the club, or the club’s sister organization, the Forsyth County Chamber of Commerce.

Card carrying members of the club include McDonald, Carter Barrett, Cindy Mills, Todd Levent, Brian Tam, and even Marc Morris. This is why Morris was attending the breakfast in the first place.

Most of these Club members are Georgia natives, many of them Forsyth natives and former Democrats, and they are led by their largest donor, who also happens to be (or was before selling the land for high density zonings passed by club members) the largest land owner in the County. This land ownership is the key financial interest and tie that binds the Club. The Club even hosts an annual Christmas party at their preferred watering hole, Tam’s Backstage.

It is true a group of outsiders, most of them not from Georgia and none of them from Forsyth, have won some elections recently, but they did so against the club members. 2024 was “the empire strikes back” as the Club leader got her favorite horse, Brian Tam, to seek office for a fifth time, with the support of McDonald and Cox.

What you also didn’t cover was Semanson accusing Cox and McDonald of recruiting Club members to run against herself, Todd Jones, and David Clark. You mention possible primaries in 2026, but ignore the work of Cox and McDonald in the primaries of 2024. McDonald used Governor Kemp’s name in his pro-club endorsements in the 2024 primary, so it is possible Kemp is supportive of the Club, but I am still working on confirming this.

So basically, your premise is correct, it’s just inverted.

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Thank you for your comment. The term, "Club," is my term. I use it how I define it. You are free to write your own column and select terms for your purposes and use them how you like.

This column is limited to the purpose of describing the war under the waves for political control of Forsyth County. On that theme, you and I appear to agree. You, however, appear to find yourself as a partisan in that war, on the side of the faction to which I refer as the Club. That's fine. I have no problem with that. Support whoever your heart most follows.

The centerpiece of this article is the Marc Morris letter published in the paper. I stay within the context of that letter throughout the article. Obviously, the author of the letter took a few liberties with the truth of what happened at the Chamber event. I do not venture beyond what the letter says in my article except to fully explain the problems I see with Morris' portrayal. This article is not a defense of Lauren McDonald. It is not a campaign piece for Lauren McDonald. I know Lauren only casually and am not an ally of his in any regular use of the term. In the past I have criticized Lauren McDonald for agreeing to take the unconstitutional, and unofficial position of 'Governor's Floor Leader.' That is not a thing. It unconstitutionally seams together two branches of government meant in the Georgia Constitution to remain separate and coequal. So I did not write this piece in support of Lauren McDonald, or Brent Cox for that matter. I wrote it because there were serious flaws in the Marc Morris letter which I believed needed to be corrected.

All that you portray is very interesting. And I would be glad to read your opinion of such things in an extended form, perhaps writing your own Substack article. And you appear to be knowledgeable enough on these matters to make your opinions into a series. I believe it would be fascinating to read. Let me know when you start up your own Substack. I will be among your first Subscribers.

Thanks again for the comment.

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I'm not sure substacking is for me, but I do appreciate your encouragement. You are right, this is your Substack, and if you choose to refer to members who are part of an actual "Club" with "Club" in its name as "Outsiders" that is your prerogative. I believe you are missing the tie that binds those in the actual "club" and what the "war" (to the extent there is one) is actually truly about. Follow the money. And the big money is not in campaign consulting, but in land deals.

While I know you state you "do not venture beyond what the letter says in my article except to fully explain the problems I see with Morris' portrayal", I submit that is not the case. You undeniably go beyond the 'problems you see with the Morris portrayal'.

For example, your article ventures into motives and proffers your opinion on motives as fact. "Ambition, for one reason. It is undeniable that a certain dose of high-level political ambition is a driving force among several members of the Club. Among the Outsiders, and I will throw in Barrett, in my opinion, not so much."

How is this "undeniable" that club members have "high level political ambition" and what supports your opinion that "Outsiders", some of whom have already filed DOIs to run for higher office, do not have ambition? McDonald himself has already ran for Sheriff and Senate, to say McDonald does not have ambition is demonstrably false. He has a problem winning contested elections, but he clearly has high level ambition. What evidence can you offer to support your claim of ambition among "several club members"? Surely there is some evidence behind this claim, right?

You also state "I do not believe those acting in effective control of “the Club” can simply coexist with Outsiders like Brent Cox and Lauren McDonald in their midst. There are reasons for that. These “Outsiders” apparently present a perceived threat to “the Club.” If that were not true, and if all of these elected officials truly have the best interests of the people they represent at heart, Club members would not be so preoccupied to rid Forsyth County of Representatives Brent Cox and Lauren McDonald, and would spend more time working for their constituents."

This is also a statement without evidence, and is once again, inverted from reality. The reality is it was Cox and McDonald who supported Rotary Club Members against elected officials who are members of what you call The Club. It was Cox and McDonald who were preoccupied with ridding Forsyth County of non Rotary Club politicians and tried to replace them with Rotary Club Members. Do you really think a former Forsyth County football coach magically emerged from nowhere and ran against David Clark?

Where is your evidence anyone is working to rid Forsyth County of Cox and McDonald? Neither one of them have had opposition since elected, and this is clearly juxtaposed with your stated claim that you "do not venture beyond what the letter says in my article except to fully explain the problems I see with Morris' portrayal".

Lastly, your premise that Morris is a member of the "Club", to the extent that Jay Williams is the Captain, is incorrect. Look at Morris' campaign filings. He was supported by Brian Tam, Carter Barrett, Cindy Mills, and other veritable Rotary Club members. He never used Jay Williams in his campaign. Why Rotary Club Member Morris decided to go after McDonald is still open for interpretation in my mind, but to call Morris a member of what you call the Club is contrary to the evidence I see in all the State filings.

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You do not think these people have ambition? Come on, Kirk. That's not a speculation. Mendy Moore, for one, just quit one elected office to run for a higher one she likes better. You are surely not going to contend that neither Todd Jones, nor Greg Dolezal are ambitious individuals, are you? Why don't we convene two years from now and see who is right.

Regarding your premise of the three outsiders being part of their own "club," find me a picture of McDonald, Cox and Barrett the night of their recent victories. Are they posing in a bar with a broom, celebrating a clean Club sweep? No, I expect they were home with their families.

Why don't you call David Clark and ask him whether Brent Cox did not support him. Come back and report what he says.

The evidence that the Club intends to primary Cox and McDonald is in the last paragraph of the Marc Morris letter.

Regarding Marc Morris, he ran one campaign and it was 6 years ago. He had a friend run his one campaign against an unknown for a vacant seat. He needed no high-powered help from Stoneridge to win. I wrote the article in the paper which likely sealed the deal. You see the photo of Morris at the clean-sweep Club victory party. It's almost like you are purposely wrong. I mean, you can't even be more wrong. Why are you spending so much time here with me being wrong? Is someone paying you? Come on, 'fess up.

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So you have no evidence about "The Club" having ambition other than Mendy Moore. Got it. Rotary Club Member McDonald has sought four different public offices. Rotary Club Member Carter Barrett is delayed employment to focus on politics. Rotary Club Member Todd Levent has filed a DOI for Senate. Perhaps it's fair to say they all have ambition. I would be fine with that, but your assertion in the article lacks merit.

Your requested photo:

Rotary Member McDonald's Sons and wife, Rotary President Fielder, Rotary Member Carter Patterson, and a few other Rotary Members hoist Rotary Member Carter Barrett in the air at a bar to Celebrate! No, they were not at home with their families.


A few more for your viewing pleasure:

Rotary Club Members Cox, McDonald, Levent, and Carter Barrett Campaigning for Barrett: https://bashify.io/i/vPppyt

Here is Rotary Club Member Morris with Rotary Club Member McDonald: https://bashify.io/i/y67tHx

I don't know David Clark, but I do know that it was actually Rotary Club members who avoided primaries and non-Rotary Club members who were primaried by those supported by Cox and McDonald. Again, it's the opposite of what you say.

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Sounds like you need to complain to the Rotary Club, not me. The requested photo was of Cox, Barrett and McDonald on primary evening to demonstrate your contention that they are somehow the Club. But at this point you have simply become the object of a pissing contest for me. I suggest from this point, you use the toilet or go outside and I will do the same.

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No, you asked for a photo "on the night of their recent victories".

This was the last time they had a victory, and they were doing exactly what you speculated they were not. I will admit Cox is a recent addition to the Club, recruited by Rotary Club Member Cindy Mills.

It's a good night outside this evening, I'll take your advice! I do appreciate the dialogue.

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At this point, Kirk, really, you need to start your own Substack. You say what you want to say and let others respond however they want, or not at all. I appreciate you being a reader but I'm not going to spend any more of my evening splitting hairs with you. Thanks for the comments. Others can judge what has been said. I expect there are many things on which we agree. This is just not one of them.

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Hank, a friend did some digging on this and I highly recommend you call David Clark and ask him how Brent Cox helped him in his election.

To the extent Cox is a primary source for your beliefs about the subject matter you lay out in this Substack, and assuming Cox told you he helped David, it might shift your trust of Cox to talk to David.

Hint: I'm told Cox didn't donate a dime to David, didn't endorse David, didn't make phone calls for David, didn't post to social media in support of David, didn't knock on doors for David.

He didn't lift a finger to help David against the former Forsyth County football coach who magically appeared out of nowhere to run against David.

Remind me, did Cox ever coach football in Forsyth County?

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Late to the party here since I just now had time to read your piece, Hank.

Thanking you for this illuminating piece with all the appropriate and relevant documentation which is a hallmark of your writing. I appreciate your perspective on the “Club” or dare I say, Cabal that now presently exists in our County. In my experience when political “conslutnants” (my word) get involved with local politicians, i.e., SRG or Jay Williams no good outcomes are possible.

I am reminded of your wise advice to rookie politicians at the beginning of this article.

This a quote is taken directly from SRG’s website and goes as follows: “ TO WIN, YOU MUST DO WHAT YOUR COMPETITORS REFUSE TO DO.” Therefore, the focus is on winning, not on serving your constituents. So by getting in bed with these “conslutnants,” well-intentioned rookie politicians can be become corrupted and therefore, seduced by these characters into forgetting who they serve which is us.

Anywhoo, I eagerly await your next chapter in this saga.

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Not a Forsyth County resident but recently became attentive to what was going on there in regards to the introduction of surveillance. I could watch those meetings and pick out who was in corporate pockets because they knew all of the talking points that I have seen in commission and council meetings all over the country.

This kind of turmoil and "war under the waves" is going on in so many communities. It's like a microcosm of what's going on in higher levels of government. Don't know if it has always been that way or just more visible now.

Thanks for all of the hard work that you put into your publication. Traditional local media is virtually non-existent now and what you are doing is valuable indeed.

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Very perceptive. Yes, Forsyth County is not the only place this goes on.

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Oh boy you are on a big ole target here. This club has been in existence for quite a while once led by a man who has since passed. While he was in charge Levent was smack dang in the middle. He’s since gotten ousted. Can’t wait for chapter 2.

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Cox and McDonald (the outsiders) lobbied against developer impact fees for schools, something Forsyth needs badly. Why did they do that? They didn’t say. Maybe because Dolezal and Jones (the insiders) were in favor? Please write an article about that. It is a much more important topic to Forsyth taxpayers whose property tax bills are skyrocketing because of school taxes.

On another note, I saw many posts (not from Semanson) about Lindsey Adams’ domestic issues, calls to police, late paid property taxes and civil litigation. I never saw any posts that bullied her kids. Did you?

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Ms. Adams child's likeness was released by the sheriff's office in a video. That video was used online by individuals working to defeat Ms. Adams' election. Once that was called out, the video was edited to cover the child's face and reposted.

My article is not about impact fees. However, it is my understanding that both Cox and McDonald voted for the impact fee legislation. If you know differently, please come back and we can talk about it. But, essentially, impact fees are not the subject of this article. Thanks for the comment.

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