Hank: Well done!

Well written!

Well documented, as per your usual high standards for citing all relevant facts

I was aware and present at the BOC Meeting when you confronted the BOC about the unlawful appt. of Joel Natt many moons ago

Until today, I was not aware of the Judges en masse recusal and the illegal “certification” of the individual in question by the County Attorney

So how do we move this issue forward given the skullduggery itemized here?

I am ready to help in this effort.

Please advise.

Thanking you for your dedication and perseverance

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You wield words and ideas like a sword of Damascus steel, cutting to the marrow!

Whenever judges have come up for reelection in my county, I thought I was being a good citizen by voting for them. Until this year when I undertook to do my due diligence and find out more about them. To my shock and dismay, if a judge was running unopposed, I could find virtually no information about their rulings or their ideology! Therefore, I will not vote for any judge anymore unless I can get enough information to make an informed decision. I believe a judge up for reelection must get 50% or 51% of the votes or he will be replaced. If all our citizens would adopt this policy, we perhaps wouldn't have the kind of situation you've described.

It's appalling to realize how corrupt our supposedly "Republican" state actually is.

BTW, I also just became aware of recall elections. Could this be a remedy for the criminality going on in Forsythe County?

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As always I'm amazed at how accurate you do your homework. The reason the three commissioners don't respond to you is because they don't work for you. They answer to the "club". They do not follow laws or rules either. From Washington on down to the local levels great strides have been taken to circumvent the laws on the books especially the Constitution. It's got to go before they can get this one world plan in place. The communist we're right when they said they would take this country without firing a shot. It's taken a while but look how far they have come in fifty years. Please keep hammering away every chance you get! I'm hoping the low information voters will get to see some of your work!!

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Nazi FB censurers banned posting of your substack. But local corruptions has exsisted for some time now in Cobb, Cherokee, Forsyth, and other RNC business related actions.

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But wait, there may be more. It seems that the Board of Commissioners may be in more trouble than they realize. Further research is underway, something nice to do at the pool over the very long holiday weekend.

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A happy and safe Independence Day break for Hank and all his fans.

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Same to you, Sir!

As I have said, as a resident of Forsyth County, I am willing to lend my hand to your efforts to move this issue forward.

Please let me know how I can help.

Thanking you for you for your dedication and perseverance.

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Thank you for your support, prayers work or if you have the means, financial support is appreciated too. Check out givesendgo.com/focoeifund

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I deeply admire your commitment to freedom and thank God we still have free speech.

The Club will be broken and suffer the humiliation and shame thanks to your valiant efforts.

Keep up the great work!

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Thank you, Mr Sullivan.

Joel Natt was unlawfully placed on the board.

The incompetent and unethical probate judge who administered his oath should be removed from the bench. She broke the law.

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