Outstanding, Hank!

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Thank you, Tim.

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Wow, Mr Sullivan, that is the most informative article about Governor Kemp and his political ambition that I have EVER read!! I am so ashamed to have lived here in Georgia all my life and trusted the REPUBLICAN PARTY for the last 24 YEARS!!! I was a DEMOCRAT for all my younger years until Carter(I was too young to vote) and then Bill Clinton and Hillary, and then countless others showed me how horribly corrupt they were!! Now it seems the REPUBLICANS are NO BETTER!! I guess all that’s left to do is move to the wilderness and GET OFF THE GRID…sad times for sure…and the sad thing is that a lot of them attend church and claim to be CHRISTIAN. Thank you for GREAT reporting…

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Thank you for such kind words. I hope you will stay in the fight!

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Yes sir, I sure will, and please continue with your great reporting!

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Another Good ole boy network in Georgia Politics that people just shrug off as normal... It's anything but NORMAL, and people need to wake up to Kemp's corrupt behavior...

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Insurance is becoming increasingly impossible to afford for businesses and consumers. We have been in business 11 years and have had to defend against 4 frivolous lawsuits.

There is a reason over 50% of bill boards on the interstate are trial lawyers who have been pillaging $$ not just from insurance companies, businesses and consumers but from their own clients with outrageous attorney’s fees.

It is past time for the scales to be balanced.

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