
Tucker Carlson Introduces Hank Sullivan's 2014 Talk Entitled, "What's Really Happening in Ukraine."

Tucker is Incredulous that Anyone Could Have Seen and Understood What Was Happening in Ukraine Ten Years Ago

Recently, Tucker Carlson had on as his guest, Ron Paul. During Tucker’s introduction, he extended much credit to the former congressman having identified what many have only understood recently, and frankly, what many or most others may never understand, a large part of which you read on this screenshot from my video above:

This 30 minute talk is one I gave at the Lanier Tea Party Patriots in August of 2014, over ten years ago. I had performed the research and put together the available information to explain what really happened in Ukraine, how it happened, and why it happened. In this presentation you will hear the infamous intercepted phone call between Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, likely recorded by Russian Intelligence, and made public early on, in which the two decided who would would be installed as Ukrainian “puppet” Prime Minister. The individual they selected, a banker of course, Arseny Yatsenyuk, in fact did become prime minister.

Ten years ago, hardly anyone, least of all my then congressman, Rob Woodall, had ever heard of Obama’s Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, Victoria Nuland. Nuland was the unabashed intelligence operative Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry tapped with the task of overseeing the Ukrainian Government overthrow. I throw that factoid in at this point because when I traveled to discuss all that you will see in this video with Congressman Woodall, and mentioned Nuland’s name, he interrupted to ask who she was. Soon afterward, to answer his question more completely, I wrote all that he needed to know into a document, and delivered a hard copy of that document to both congressmen, Rob Woodall (GA 7th) and Doug Collins (GA 9th), . Of course, nothing happened as a result. I am preparing a Substack comprised of the information I gave to both congressmen at the time, and will soon publish it here.

In October of 2019, I wrote the following article explaining Ukraine to my readers at the Forsyth County News. I subsequently published that article here on Substack, which you can access by clicking the link below.

The following month, on the heels of congressional testimony by former Ukrainian Ambassador Maria “Bad News” Yovanovitch, elicited during the Democrat’s impeachment witch-hunt of President Trump, I published a follow-up article, explaining her backstory, in my column at the paper, which you can also read by clicking the link below.

So, why am I digging all this up to present to my readers today? Well, I guess there is certain satisfaction anyone naturally feels after going out on a limb as I did, ten years ahead of, say, Tucker Carlson, providing this kind of truly “Blockbuster” information and be proven right. Yes, I suppose it is somewhat satisfying to be able to say, “I told you so” at this point. But, that is not the real reason.

The real reason I thought it important enough to rehash all this today is simply to demonstrate how hard I work to be true and correct in what I publish. I think most of my readers know that instinctively, but it does not hurt my credibility to take a story like this, and all the work I have done over ten years to flesh it out, work which has been thoroughly vetted, now by none other than Tucker Carlson, to prove that point. Everything I write receives the same level of scrutiny as my body of work on Ukraine. And on the off-chance that I screw something up, you know I will own up to it.

That’s really it. That’s why I bring this up to you today.

But, I want you to do something for me, not just now, but in everything I publish, which you know comes to you free of charge. Please share what I write and encourage others to share and subscribe. That is all I ask. This is a calling for me, my own personal ministry, perhaps. Freely I give and ask only that you help me in that purpose.

Here is the real Tucker Carlson-Ron Paul interview link:

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