Great article.

Colton must sue. The basis of his claim would be 42 USC section 1983, as Moore’s federal civil rights were violated.

Moore needs a serious law firm that litigates federal civil rights violations. He needs reputable, well trained and ethical attorneys.

Ideally, the law firm should be based outside Georgia. The firm has to be able to resist gubernatorial pressure.

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Thank you for this excellent clarification of this shameful event, exposing the constitutional ignorance, and ethical deafness of our George legislators - every single one of them who applauded Burn’s disgraceful actions and voted almost unanimously for Burn’s illegal decree against Moore.

Burns should be recalled from office and prosecuted.

The complying blue shirts should be required to learn more about their responsibilities to the state constitution and laws and pass a test on them while they are on administrative leave without pay.

The individual that tripped and pushed down, Burns should be prosecuted for assault.

The rot in the leadership of the Georgia legislature has been festering since the Julian Bond episode and this episode exposed it to the world.

Time for voters to speak up.

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Thank you for your supportive comments

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Floydcountypatriots stand with our great senator Colton Moore. This episode is not at all surprising to those of us who have been paying attention to local and state politics in recent years. All the Kempcronies in the Golddomemafia seem perfectly happy to just continue the status quo indefinitely. More "politics as usual" so they can continue the schemes that have been enriching themselves and their buddies in the goodolboysclub back home for years and in some cases decades. They don't care what their constituents think or want because they aren't there to represent the vast majority of us. They have gotten away with this for far to long because they've written the rules and laws to protect themselves and their little side hustles. Do we really think Ralston was the only one abusing his power and office to enrich himself and benefit his buddies and donors? They've all gotten away with it for so long that they don't even take the constitution into consideration anymore, if they did to start with. It's disgusting and disgraceful! Colton Moore was the ONLY senator to vote against honoring the known tyrant Ralston by naming a building after him. Are we supposed to believe none of the other legislators knew about Ralstons corrupt activities? Of course they did. They are just all peas in a pod down there at the gold dome. They've forgotten who they work for and what their job actually is. It's to represent the will of the people back home in their district!

It's up to patriots in each and every county in Georgia to get activate and get involved in our local GOP. That's the only way we're going to change this. President Trump and all his associates are working to take back our sovereignty at the national level, from the top down. It's our duty to as patriots to take back control of our communities so we can work from the bottom up to clean up the rot that has infested our government at every level for far to long. President Trump can't fix every town, county, and state. That's our job. AS president Trump famously said, We must continue to "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!

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Thank you. Agreed. Work at it from both ends.

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Thank you sir, for your excellent research and sharing. Time after time!

Looking at this event in hindsight, I wonder if the real culprit is not so much Burns, but Kemp directing Burns - to protect Kemp’s public reputation. There’s ample evidence the GSP actually assisted in the false assault on Moore at the assembly door - and a photo on the front page of the AJC. Can just anyone command the Georgia State Patrol? … and to falsely accost a Senator in the Capitol?

Wonder if it was all orchestrated by King Kemp, and Burns is just the false face.

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In the very least, Burns and Kemp working at parallel purposes, all the time.

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Why is it, that when people get a little power, they completely LOSE their Rational Thought process… and become prideful egomaniacs.. JS.

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I believe it is an inherent personality defect found in politicians who enter public service for the wrong reasons.

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Full Footage of Colton Moore’s actual non-violent (on his part) and his egregious unconstitutional arrest:


If y’all have not seen this, it is well worth it cos y’all can see with your own eyes how this went down and you can see how Colton Moore’s non-violent attempts to enter the Chamber were repeatedly rebuffed by thugs employed by and empowered (wrongly by Jon Burns).

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Thanks Hank for giving us the whole history on this. No wonder the dictator I mean governor and the henchmen of his gestapo want to silence Senator Moore. So it will be happening to the people. This was just a test run.

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Praising God Almighty for truth-tellers like Moore, Somerville, Sullivan, Paine and so many more. Thank you thank you for sharing the sunlight.

So, is the abusive law still in place? Are legislators continuing the same abuse? They all appear abusive, if they have allowed it.

A retired local judge friend said he started noticing nonsensical state legislation starting in 2010. By nonsensical, he meant a bill/law poorly written to the point that it had to be deliberately confusing and even misleading - "a needle in a haystack" experience. Like Bill 202... and added to each new version of the Georgia Election Code Annotated. More state tyranny.

Remembering God has a plan that is better than ours. Yes - Freedom again will be that much sweeter! We are in this together. Thank God Almighty, we'll be free at last!

"The LORD God is our sun and our shield. HE gives us Grace and Glory. The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who DO what is right.

O God of Heaven's Armies, what JOY for those who Trust in You!" Psalm 84:11-12

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your LIFE and Protection, Your Grace, Wisdom, and Glory. Thank You for these trying times and for making heroes in our day! Thank You for Your will and Your way, and for enabling us to TRUST in YOU. In Jesus' holy name, amen.

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thanks for giving us Georgians the full story.

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