Another SO CALLED Republican Jon Burns, wants to dictate... I called and let him know that in NO uncertain terms he was to CAN his ego and allow people to do their JOB. The State of Georgia is a laughing stock already by allowing the past election crimes go unchecked... Kemp and Raffensberger should be held accountable, but like everything else in this states politics, its run by the good ole boys who call themselves Republicans... SAD and PATHETIC that the Speaker of the House would even suggest this...
Once again posting on the perfidy of a RINO who is displaying and acting like a Demonrat when it comes to Colton Moore and the absolutely horrific treatment he has suffered by this Speaker, just because he has the “unmitigated gall” to call them out when sees the wrongs being done in this Legislature. You can bet your sweet bippy, I will be calling the Speaker’s office to register my outrage at Colton Moore’s treatment, esp. since the voters in his District re-elected him to speak out as he has done. I have been a fan of Colton Moore for awhile and he needs all the support we can give him even though we do not live in his District. Have even thot of buying a “RINO WRANGLER” hat from him just to support him.
I feel like we are the people of Holland, trying to stem the holes in the dike, one by one, but they keep growing! I have made the call to Burns's office. It's absolutely outrageous that he is behaving in such a manner.
It never ceases to amaze me how our constitution is being shredded on a daily basis. Speaker burns is trying to silence Senator Moore because he doesn't walk in lock step with the dictator, I mean governor. Now speaker burns is in the same ranks as the dictator I mean governor, the SoS and the AG. I can assure you none of them will ever get my vote no matter what office they decide to run
Jon Burns is a weak so-called leader. He needs to step down immediately and beg God for forgiveness. Not allowing Colton Moore to vote against the posthumous edification of the tyrant David Ralston is a Nazi/communist move. The alignment between Burns and other legislators with CCP Kemp (who orchestrated the THEFT of our presidential election in 2020) must be stopped. We are doing EXACTLY what California communist leaders are doing - supporting tyrannical leaders who trample on our constitutional rights. Praying for Colton Moore. He is a strong leader for our Republic, and we need more representatives like him. Go away Jon Burns!
Another SO CALLED Republican Jon Burns, wants to dictate... I called and let him know that in NO uncertain terms he was to CAN his ego and allow people to do their JOB. The State of Georgia is a laughing stock already by allowing the past election crimes go unchecked... Kemp and Raffensberger should be held accountable, but like everything else in this states politics, its run by the good ole boys who call themselves Republicans... SAD and PATHETIC that the Speaker of the House would even suggest this...
Thanking you for this post.
Once again posting on the perfidy of a RINO who is displaying and acting like a Demonrat when it comes to Colton Moore and the absolutely horrific treatment he has suffered by this Speaker, just because he has the “unmitigated gall” to call them out when sees the wrongs being done in this Legislature. You can bet your sweet bippy, I will be calling the Speaker’s office to register my outrage at Colton Moore’s treatment, esp. since the voters in his District re-elected him to speak out as he has done. I have been a fan of Colton Moore for awhile and he needs all the support we can give him even though we do not live in his District. Have even thot of buying a “RINO WRANGLER” hat from him just to support him.
Later, dude
I feel like we are the people of Holland, trying to stem the holes in the dike, one by one, but they keep growing! I have made the call to Burns's office. It's absolutely outrageous that he is behaving in such a manner.
It never ceases to amaze me how our constitution is being shredded on a daily basis. Speaker burns is trying to silence Senator Moore because he doesn't walk in lock step with the dictator, I mean governor. Now speaker burns is in the same ranks as the dictator I mean governor, the SoS and the AG. I can assure you none of them will ever get my vote no matter what office they decide to run
Colton Moore should stand firm. I if it means he gets arrested, then Moore should go ahead and get arrested. Be strong, Moore.
Jon Burns is a weak so-called leader. He needs to step down immediately and beg God for forgiveness. Not allowing Colton Moore to vote against the posthumous edification of the tyrant David Ralston is a Nazi/communist move. The alignment between Burns and other legislators with CCP Kemp (who orchestrated the THEFT of our presidential election in 2020) must be stopped. We are doing EXACTLY what California communist leaders are doing - supporting tyrannical leaders who trample on our constitutional rights. Praying for Colton Moore. He is a strong leader for our Republic, and we need more representatives like him. Go away Jon Burns!