Josh McKoon is a Georgia state government employee. He is an appointee. He works for Governor Kemp.

McKoon never criticizes Kemp, who is McKoon’s boss. McKoon is chairman of the Georgia Republican Party and Chairman of the Georgia Republican Corporation.

McKoon has a conflict of interest.

Pritchard has criticized Kemp. McKoon has been noticeably silent about the public criticisms of Pritchard. Why?

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A well researched and balanced article by Hank Sullivan. Thank you.

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It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of good guys and bad guys. Hank is quickly becoming my "go to" guy in Ga.

While I would never use Google as my default search engine,

Hank has shown how it can be useful in keeping track of the enemy. Next thing you know, MTG will be in Davos sitting at the feet of Klaus Schwab. Really sad.

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Me too. Hank Sullivan (substack), William Quinn (Georgia Record), Tim Waters (substack) and Wesley Cox (WCGA) are four reliable sources for Georgia political news.

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Let’s agree that it is an attack campaign. That’s obvious.

Why now? Is Pritchard’s seat up in June? I don’t know. If it is, then the timing might suggest that someone wants Pritchard’s seat as Vice Chair.

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My guess would be McKoons rural outreach coordinator- Dennis Futch…

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Hank, thank you for taking the time to research and write this. Well done.

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Brian is no saint. He bullies women, or at least me. I made a mistake voting for him. Never again. I am glad I listened to my gut not to work for him. As to the deep state, they are most definitely after GA. Though the GOP/Republican brand is dead in Hall county and the Democrats are at each others throat with violent altercations at their meetings, they aren't doing much better. The people need to forget parties and their nefarious games and pick a cause to fight in their local community. (Election Integrity, School board meetings to fight for the children, transparency of government through open records requests, etc.)

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The threats, bullying, intimidation and swatting efforts seem to have worked for at least two people that I know of… glad it didn’t seem to work for BKP.

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None of them scared me away. I found no use for the party after my hands were tied as Communications chair and they kicked my husband out with lies. The GOP does not want the people educated and not being able to put out information on candidates when it's a contested primary is just plain ridiculous. The people need the information for an informed vote. The parties are more like team sports. Everything to "protect the brand", not everything to protect the Constitution and the American way of life. They need me more than I need them. Hoping for a new system when all of this starts getting resolved.

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It would be easy for deep pockets to mass financially incentivize anything they want. And I wonder if paying for hit pieces makes the writers unexpectedly demoralized. That’s a major goal of the global tyrants/communists.

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Interesting summary of the usual dirty tricks that have come to dominate American politics, regardless of “party affiliation”—in this regard I am persuaded that there really is no substantive 2 party system now—assuming there ever was one.

What we see is rather a show being put on by the deep stare/uniparty largely for the entertainment/distraction of the sheeple while they continue to undermine and destroy our nation and state. All of this is facilitated by the simultaneous erosion of national and individual “virtue” as that term was used by our Founders.

What this sordid tale also demonstrates is the sewer that was Twitter and now X. Not having ever succumbed to the allure of those or other similar (anti) social media platforms (largely due to the clear admonitions in the Bible about gossiping or otherwise participating in such rudeness and negativity). I have seen the steady decline in “virtue” of those who have previously professed their “patriotism” and “high morals/religious faith” but over time, largely due to the corrosive sin that permeates these virtual “gossip”.sites most of these people become corrupted with the very same patterns of communication (needless use of extreme profanity, snarky and rude posts that smack of a grade school playground, and other behaviors common to the enemies of freedom.

I continue to be both amazed and profoundly disappointed to see how many who say they are on “our side” but apparently are literally addicted to these platforms and the continuous revelations of the corruption and perversion of those who own these platforms have no effect on their continuing use of them, and thereby their active support of the very evil people running them.

Further, MTG has again demonstrated just how loose a cannon she can be—even when the trigger of her ill-advised outburst is from known leftists and enemies of freedom. Of course, no one is “perfect” but she and so many other politicians, influencers and others who seem to be revered by various “conservative” constituencies seem to be more “imperfect” than they should be to occupy the attention of so many who claim to be on “our side.”

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All Republican governors in GA were- at one time- Dixiecrats- who flipped parties when the tide turned toward Republican candidates in late 90s.

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As one of the relatively few native Georgians now in Georgia, especially the Atlanta metro area (born at Emory Hospital, raised in SW Atlanta and then rural town of Sandy Springs) I know well the “dixiecrat” DNA of corruption, racism, cronyism, dishonesty etc.of the likes of Talmadge, maddox, Vandiver etc. whose DNA still affects the current generation of “repubs” who lie to us about everything, including their “conservatism.”

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It's in N GA too. My husband was the only black Vice Chairman here and was kicked out for lies. The Chairman said "I'm blacker than you", he's white/Italian. Not sure that's racist, maybe a little crazy...our events chair would make my husband and son talk to the other black and latino people like she was afraid to talk to them. That's ok he educated a college group on the history of the Democrats and racism. That's why we think they are all dixiecrats. There was much more it's just not blatant and I detest the term microaggressions, we just move on.

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In our post-post-modern sewer of the present “culture,” racism and other bigotry is largely the province of previous “victim groups” (blacks, the “poor,” sex and gender perverts, atheists, leftists etc.) created by the dimocrats to keep them dependent on the dims when in fact their supposed “concern” for them is all an elaborate political/ideological lie.

This truth is proven daily by their history of talking about “caring” but then doing nothing to actually “help” them and actually being secret bigots the very groups of poor victims they themselves created as their leaked emails, videos etc. show where the wealthy and privileged dims want nothing to do with these poor “victims” of “right wing” cruelty and prejudice.

There is much evidence about the prejudice and racism of urban blacks against other blacks based on the relative darkness or lightness of their skin. It is a veritable caste system where darker or lighter ( (depending on the particular circumstances and history) skin tones enjoy higher social and political status than others.

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