Thank you for your continued bird dogging on all of this. I have read all your articles and while I confess I still don't really understand all the ins and outs, it's clear that some fishy things are going on right under our noses. Thank you for staying on this and shining lights into the darkness.

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We'll be counting on you to keep us informed because the news media certainly won't! Thanks for all the hard work and reporting!!!

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So question…….in a Twitter space forum many folks mentioned the parties in every state and county must have a corporate filing to be legit.

Before I filed my RNC complaint I spoke to the rules committeeman for TN who said TN has a corporate filing and a “party” filing. He seemed to think it was up to the state law to dictate what was necessary per state.

Texas doesn’t have any corporate filing and the people on the call mentioned above were speaking of getting that done quickly.

Speaking of country wide…..is every state different based on their state laws?

What about Georgia makes it clear there shouldn’t be a corporate filing and a “party” filing too??

Some explanations make me think there can be both and you mentioned in this article there shouldn’t be a corporate filing!!


Looking forward to any explanation

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