Monumental Snow Job Last Night at the Public Meeting on the Overpass
How David McKee stage-managed the hoodwinking of the Public
Last night, I witnessed a complete and total Snow Job on the citizens of Forsyth County where we had gathered to see and hear how the Overpass at 369 and GA 400 went so terribly wrong.
As a tax-paying citizen of Forsyth County, I submitted a question in advance of this Meeting, as requested. Now, I did this since I know a little about soils and compaction Specifications that all contractors are held to for these items and are always spelled out in the terms of the Contract.
My last mega-project before I retired in 2015 was the building of the two NEW Nuke plants at Plant Vogtle , here in Georgia. I started working there, on-site, in 2009 at project mobilization. During my six years there, our teams moved, handled, compacted and placed 22.5 million cubic yards of soils. We moved and placed these particular soils according to exacting Specifications required by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and our large Company agreed to be held to these exacting requirements in the Contract that totaled $1.2 BILLION dollars, at the outset.
Therefore, the same specifications (to a lesser degree, admittedly) had to be embedded in the original Contract with Vertical Earth but I guarantee those types of terms had to be in there, as to Compaction and Soils (to be selected for the Compaction) Specifications. Therefore, my pre-Meeting question centered on the Contractor Specifications and pointedly asked whether the Contractor followed the Specifications as lined out in the original Contract, to the letter. I, along with another participant there last night, did NOT get his pre-submitted question answered, as well, as I subsequently found out after the Meeting.
My point is that if the contractor did not meet these requirements of the Original Contract then SETTLING of Soils is almost always occurs. Hence, my pre-submitted question and the whole Meeting last night was about SETTLEMENT which would lead to the piles placed by the Contractor that would definitely torque out of alignment for all subsequent construction placed upon them. I would have followed up with a question about QUALITY CONTROL during construction and was there any of that performed by anybody involved? Quality Control is always an essential function of this type of Contract and appears to me from this remove that Quality Control was never part of this Contract and it is absolutely a requirement and an essential component of execution when performing this type of work.
But, alas and alack, that pointed question was NEVER addressed or asked and answered. As well as another participant there last night who DID NOT get his pointed question asked and answered so much so that he had to get up and ask his question in person, since they chose to ignore it, last night.
Now to be fair and to give everyone there last night, the benefit of the doubt, I could be totally off-base in my questioning and everything from ground-breaking to the subsequent “discovery” of the Settlement issue went as planned and as executed. I do not know as a fact whether any of what I have just lined out occurred but I do find it suspicious, to say the least, that my question about Compaction and Soils selection was never asked or answered or addressed last night. But since it never happened last night, I am left wondering how this situation was allowed to occur with our SPLOST money.
Last night, the shifting of blame to anybody but us on the podium was a Snow Job foisted upon us as tax-payers of Forsyth County.
This piece was written the day after the aforementioned Meeting. It was too long for submission to the Forsyth County News so I am shamelessly hijacking your space here to get it out there. I hope you don’t mind me using this forum for publication. I will post this piece on my Substack page.
Thanking you, in advance, for your indulgence here.
Hank, you are right, this needs DOGE type action. I suspect that at least a couple of people mentioned have acted unethically and should be held accountable. Let's talk about this in the near future.
February 3rd, 2025
Monumental Snow Job Last Night at the Public Meeting on the Overpass
How David McKee stage-managed the hoodwinking of the Public
Last night, I witnessed a complete and total Snow Job on the citizens of Forsyth County where we had gathered to see and hear how the Overpass at 369 and GA 400 went so terribly wrong.
As a tax-paying citizen of Forsyth County, I submitted a question in advance of this Meeting, as requested. Now, I did this since I know a little about soils and compaction Specifications that all contractors are held to for these items and are always spelled out in the terms of the Contract.
My last mega-project before I retired in 2015 was the building of the two NEW Nuke plants at Plant Vogtle , here in Georgia. I started working there, on-site, in 2009 at project mobilization. During my six years there, our teams moved, handled, compacted and placed 22.5 million cubic yards of soils. We moved and placed these particular soils according to exacting Specifications required by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and our large Company agreed to be held to these exacting requirements in the Contract that totaled $1.2 BILLION dollars, at the outset.
Therefore, the same specifications (to a lesser degree, admittedly) had to be embedded in the original Contract with Vertical Earth but I guarantee those types of terms had to be in there, as to Compaction and Soils (to be selected for the Compaction) Specifications. Therefore, my pre-Meeting question centered on the Contractor Specifications and pointedly asked whether the Contractor followed the Specifications as lined out in the original Contract, to the letter. I, along with another participant there last night, did NOT get his pre-submitted question answered, as well, as I subsequently found out after the Meeting.
My point is that if the contractor did not meet these requirements of the Original Contract then SETTLING of Soils is almost always occurs. Hence, my pre-submitted question and the whole Meeting last night was about SETTLEMENT which would lead to the piles placed by the Contractor that would definitely torque out of alignment for all subsequent construction placed upon them. I would have followed up with a question about QUALITY CONTROL during construction and was there any of that performed by anybody involved? Quality Control is always an essential function of this type of Contract and appears to me from this remove that Quality Control was never part of this Contract and it is absolutely a requirement and an essential component of execution when performing this type of work.
But, alas and alack, that pointed question was NEVER addressed or asked and answered. As well as another participant there last night who DID NOT get his pointed question asked and answered so much so that he had to get up and ask his question in person, since they chose to ignore it, last night.
Now to be fair and to give everyone there last night, the benefit of the doubt, I could be totally off-base in my questioning and everything from ground-breaking to the subsequent “discovery” of the Settlement issue went as planned and as executed. I do not know as a fact whether any of what I have just lined out occurred but I do find it suspicious, to say the least, that my question about Compaction and Soils selection was never asked or answered or addressed last night. But since it never happened last night, I am left wondering how this situation was allowed to occur with our SPLOST money.
Last night, the shifting of blame to anybody but us on the podium was a Snow Job foisted upon us as tax-payers of Forsyth County.
Your Artful Dodger analogy was hilarious! I haven’t laughed that hard in a while! 😂
Thank you. There's more.
Hank et al:
This piece was written the day after the aforementioned Meeting. It was too long for submission to the Forsyth County News so I am shamelessly hijacking your space here to get it out there. I hope you don’t mind me using this forum for publication. I will post this piece on my Substack page.
Thanking you, in advance, for your indulgence here.
Hank, you are right, this needs DOGE type action. I suspect that at least a couple of people mentioned have acted unethically and should be held accountable. Let's talk about this in the near future.