
This is a fantastic article. It’s an example of what investigative journalism should be. AI can never do this.

The Facts:

1. The Forsyth County Commission authorized construction of an expensive county building outside the county seat (“county site”). That was against the law.

2. Meetings held there are therefor not legally binding.

3. The Commissioners of Forsyth County are BOTH corrupt and stupid.

4. David McKee and Alfred John have served the taxpayers of Forsyth County very poorly.

BTW, I don’t live anywhere near Forsyth County. I know nothing about idiots McKee and John except what I read here. I don’t care if the apparently corrupt Commissioners of Forsyth County overtly break the law - as these Commissioners have. The facts are the facts.

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I’m so glad someone put this all down in writing. Including Alfred’s about face.

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Very informative article Hank. Thank you!

Aside from the article, doesn’t anyone anyone not think it odd that Todd Levant and Cindy Mills signatures are the same handwriting??

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They were E-signed, obviously with their permission

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