Thank you, Hank. Your article is very insightful. You are certainly correct in saying that those who "love money," (from any perspective) "ARE THE ONES WHO RUN THIS WORLD." The word "money" in this case meaning material wealth or "riches." But money as a technical term means a device to facilitate the reciprocal exchange of real goods and services that people have and need to trade for other goods and services. We have allowed the money changers to take control of the entire system of money, credit, exchange, and finance. The world is in thrall to fake political, usury-based, debt-money like dollars, euros, pounds, yen and all the rest. But we the people have the power to create our own devices and systems for facilitating the exchange of the value we create. It has been my mission for the past 40 years to learn, to teach, and to work out ways of doing that. The answers have long been available, and I've articulated them in my four books and many articles on these subjects. Please have a look at my own Substack and my recent webinar on Humanity Rising on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/live/bD7JpJetKtA?si=Gr6f2F7EQe4HpWVD. You can if you wish, skip the first 15 minutes during which the host speaks about events from his own astrological perspective.

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Here is a video of a talk I gave on this subject where I explain the biggest scam in the history of mankind and the solution.


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Thank you, Thomas. I'm watching your video and see that you and I have been involved in parallel studies. I see your references to Modern Money Mechanics. Here is an article I wrote as one of a series explaining money creation. You can go back on my Substack and find the related articles in the series.


I have a wealth of articles written on this subject.

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Hank, I too have written many articles on money, credit and exchange. Let's try to zero in on agreements and disagreements without a laborious process of endless reading.

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I explain the problem and solution in this video


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Jul 18Liked by Hank Sullivan

Enjoyed reading this and agree with your insights and assessment. Nice job!

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Jul 18Liked by Hank Sullivan

Awesome job. Pulls it all together. I will be sharing on my Substack tomorrow.

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Thank you so much, Karen!

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Jul 18Liked by Hank Sullivan

Nice Job... A exciting time for ALL...

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Jul 19Liked by Hank Sullivan


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Jul 19Liked by Hank Sullivan

Great article, deep insight. I am afraid I don't have the faith that Fritz does. I ignorantly (according to Fritz) believe in a creator and His Word. Fritz has a much deeper faith since he owes his existence to nothing, he must believe that something can come from nothing. I wish I had that strong a faith. To believe in the impossible takes a lot more faith than I have.

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Outstanding, Hank. Shared with my followers.

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Jul 18Liked by Hank Sullivan

Long time since the Concrete and Brick days,,, Hope you and yours are doing WELL!

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Bible Prophecy?


The only merit the Bible has is that it is Mind Control.


Mind control through Religion Media and Government..

Mind control because we are Genetically modified Therapoda.


There is no God.

It always was a lie.

We are the creation of an Alien Race pretending to be God.

The Jews are their Offspring.

And they and the Jews are now trying to kill us all.

They are no Gods.


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…and you owe your existence to what, yourself?

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What a stupid comment...

I owe my existenz to no one... do I make myself clear?

That you are a mind controlled slave incapable of individual thought isn't my problem... it is yours.

However you speak only for the mind controlled slaves incapable of individual thought.

You don't speak for intelligent people for you are not!

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I don't know how old you are. You sound pretty young and impressionable. But it doesn't matter. Where were you, say, 100 years ago? If no one made you, it sounds like you must have been around then too. So, where were you? And I must ask, why are you so angry at the prospect of someone, other than yourself, being responsible for your existence? That shouldn't make you angry. It obviously does.

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You sound like an Idiot in a homeless asylum.

You make assumption derived of Truth for you have no truth in your life.

You are a Liar.

And you are angry because I expose your lies.

You spout baseless lies with nothing to back it up and you can't stand peopßle that question your lies openly...

You are a Fraud.

You are a pathetic Liar.

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Boy, that's quite the string of insults. You haven't said anything about my mother yet. Thought I'd let you know in case you just forgot.

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Brother Hank, take no offense! "Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him." Proverbs 26:12 This is the Word of God whom is the Truth and Wisdom!

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Fritz, Behold I shew you a mystery... sit quietly for 28 mins and watch the first video... https://peter70x7.substack.com/p/behold-i-shew-you-a-mystery.

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