World Government (Globalism) Seminar Happening in Forsyth County
And likely happen all over the country
Recently, two knowledgeable friends and I darkened the door of a free discussion on international issues at one of our local libraries (I should have stayed home and watched the Braves). The program was the first of an ongoing series by a University of North Georgia professor of Political Science, Dr. Cristian Harris.
According to the website advertising the series, “Becoming a Global Citizen is a program series (for adults and high schoolers) dedicated to educating the public and encouraging discussions about foreign affairs.” Although that sounds fair enough, I am writing to warn you and your teenagers regarding what this series really is in case you decide to go. I actually, encourage you to attend, but be wizened by what I share.
Given the title of the program, “ Becoming a Global Citizen,” I had an inkling of what I would hear in this presentation. I expected it would be an attempt to push globalism, in other words, world government, in our Forsyth County community. In the end I was not disappointed. But it was only afterward, driving home in fact, as I gassed up my vehicle, that it finally dawned on me the truth and purpose of what I had just witnessed.
Dr. Cristian is a pleasant enough individual. Once his talk began, he immediately disarmed those, who like me, came expecting him to push the New World Order, World Government philosophy, or whatever they choose to sell it as at the moment. The good doctor informed us that he was NOT there to do what I expected. Instead he satisfied any expectation to the contrary expressing, “I have no answers, only questions.” Beware anyone uttering those kinds of statements because you are being led down a disengenuous road.
True, all he had is questions, however his questions lead an unsuspecting audience to a preselected answer. Dr. Cristian is a PhD. He has studied long and hard to understand his subject and practice the art of persuasion. He has been a college professor for over twenty years, teaching young, impressionable minds. Yet after all that time and work, he wanted us to believe he still has “no answers, only questions.” Putting that in perspective, if after twenty years of practicing my profession, I still had “no answers, only questions,” you could justifiably regard me as a nincompoop. That anyone offering a seminar such as this would first claim he has no answers should give you a clue that something else might be going on.
As he related his lack of knowledge to the audience, Dr. Cristian was about to employ a rhetorical device creaed by the Rand Corporation, called, “Delphi.” The seminar was a “Delphi session.” Look it up. Delphi’s purpose is to make groups believe they have input as they achieve consensus in a decision-making process, coming to an answer on their own, when really they are being led to a predetermined outcome. That is what this seminar, a Delphi session, really was.

Dr. Cristian began his discussion describing an ultra-chaotic world. His program was just as confusing, the attendees struggling to understand the direction his presentation was going. According to Dr. Cristian, chaos reigns in every conceivable aspect of life…financial, political, economic, geopolitical, our healthcare systems, natural catastrophic events, wars, etc. Thus, for the next 45 minutes or so, Dr. Cristian led his audience down a path creating an impresion that, although he did not know the answers that could bring order to the chaotic world he described, an entire spectrum of possible appropriate answers did exist. To arrive at that destination and present that spectum of possibilities, and lead a discussion toward a chosen answer was the purpose of his presentation.
In this program, Dr. Cristian presents the peoples of the world as comprised of individuals struggling among each other, each striving for a happy, productive life given the world’s inherent chaos, while maintaining best intentions for everyone else attempting to do the same thing. I smelled a con job brewing, but did not know exactly where it was going.
But, eventually, Dr. Cristian used some concrete examples, offering facts which are verifiably untrue. He spoke of Libya’s Moammar Qaddafi “committing genocide” against his people. He spoke of a failed attempt to “install democracy” in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the difficulty of operating world trade without the use of a common currency.
At his conclusion, Dr. Cristian proposed a spectrum of plausible solutions to the chaotic world he described. His choices allowed the assembled group to consider everything from doing nothing, to nationalism, to multinationalism, to transnationalism, and finally to GLOBALISM, in other words, the creation of a world governing body. Thus, after about an hour or so, we finally arrived at the purpose of Dr. Cristian’s presentation, which was to introduce into the minds of Forsyth County citizens the idea that world government is a rational option for the peoples of Earth to consider in overcoming the inherent chaos of life on the planet. As I said at the outset, this was a soft-sell, which is one reason I and my friends kept wondering where he was taking us. But this was also the first seminar in a series of monthly talks by Dr. Cristian. I don’t know, but I expect that as the series progresses, the idea of global governance, being the most rational answer in his opinion, will emerge as the most viable option to achieve order, prosperity and peace around the world.
As Dr. Cristian finished, he asked for questions. I found it interesting to witness Dr. Cristian, who started the hour as a college professor, soon morph into a performing escape artist during Q&A. In the time he allowed, I questioned whether the world was really as he presented, essentially composed of people all just trying to do their best, with good intentions for everyone doing the same, within a naturally chaotic environment. I told him I did not agree his thesis was really true, suggesting instead there are powerful financial interests holding reigns over the governments and peoples of the world, including America. I rejected that the overthrow of Qaddafi and Saddam were to defeat tyrants and install democracies, and that the US military ventures in Vietnam and Afghanistan were for the purposes he proposed, citing that powerful interests made fortunes during the wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan.
Dr. Cristian spoke over me, attempting to stifle what I was saying in front of the group. It being his presentation, I deferred, allowing him to have his say without being interrupted. But as he turned away, I did ask him one last question, “Who creates American currency?” He turned back toward me, considering the question and answered, “The Treasury Department,” to which our entire row erupted, “No!” Dr. Cristian entertained questions from our side of the room no longer. He was not interested to know why we disagreed with him. For a guy who said he really had no answers, he wasn’t interested in ours either. He had been caught and he obviously knew it. When the event concluded, I stopped on my way out to ask Dr. Cristian a couple of more questions, one of which was to discover who was paying for the series of monthly seminars in Forsyth County, the professor noticeably avoiding me. That being the case, I reminded myself of the possibility of catching the end of the Braves game on the radio, and left.
I’m telling you this to raise awarness that globalists have taken over our public schools, many of our private schools, and certainly our public institutions of higher learning such as the University of North Georgia. And now these institutions, or at least their faculty members, are reaching out to nearby communities to advance the world government, global citizenship message to unsuspecting individuals of all ages interested in the advertised topics. This is all part of a grand subversion, designed to soft-sell globalism in the communities. Once a population has bought into a soft-sell, the rhetoric heats up, events begin to happen and a major effort to subvert the US Constitution and all that it means would begin in full swing.
So just beware of all this. And if you live elsewhere than Forsyth County, Georgia, you can expect academics from your local colleges and universities to begin infiltrating your communities with the same sort of programs. Speak to your kids, especially those beginning college. Urge them to question their professors when they detect this kind of messaging foisted upon students in classrooms. Forewarned is forarmed. Arm your kids with the truth. Encourage them to be unafraid to speak it. Because in the end, it is the truth which will set them free.
It depends on what may be going on when these next meetings take place. I imagine I'll be taking a few in.
After living in 30 countries I can say that I am an American Citizen and could careless about what other countries are doing.