Woodall Represents DC to You, Not You to DC
If you live in Georgia’s 7th US Congressional District, regrettably, you are not represented in the DC House of Congress. Instead, the DC House of Congress is represented to you. And DC’s representative to the 7th District is Rob Woodall. Now Rob is the world’s nicest, most engaging guy. I really like Rob, personally. He would make a great neighbor. But I have learned; he does not represent me. He represents Washington to me, and to you. There is a difference.

For the last five years, I worked hard to help DC Representative Woodall understand various matters, which I determined by his actions and votes at the time, he simply must not have understood. I gave DC Representative Woodall the benefit of the doubt. I met with Rob Woodall personally numerous times. I went to town hall meetings, Tea Party meetings, Local GOP meetings. I met with his chief of staff, went to lunch. I called the DC office. I wrote extensive emails to his chief, which I am told Rob received. I backed everything I ever told DC Representative Woodall with facts and references that anyone has access to and which are not hard to understand. And do you know that nothing, and I mean nothing that I ever communicated to DC Representative Woodall, or to his chief of staff, or spoke to his office, or wrote in an email, ever made any difference in DC Representative Woodall’s official actions, his votes, his rhetoric, his attitudes, or his behavior. It’s like all my time communicating with the individual who was supposed to represent me to our DC government was completely wasted.

Money? What's Money?
And the funny thing is that when you tell Rob Woodall something that he does not want to deal with, he does this thing like he can’t understand what you are saying. Trying to explain something to DC Representative Woodall, when he does not want to hear it, is like trying to explain to your customer why he owes you money when your customer does not want to know. Your customer figures that if he can just get through the conversation, in the end he might be able to keep your money. That’s what it is like to deal with DC Representative Woodall.
When I heard DC Representative Woodall speaking in favor of handing Obama Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), I immediately contacted his office to set up an appointment to discuss what TPA, and subsequently TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) really were. Obviously, DC Representative Woodall must not have understood or something.

Constitution for Corporate World Government
Friends, I went so far as to put together a PowerPoint presentation to try to explain this, which really isn’t rocket science to begin with. I took off a day of work just to travel to Lawrenceville to meet with Rob’s “chief obstacle,” uh…I mean chief of staff. I laid it out for him exactly what the TPP agreement Obama was trying to push through
congress really was. I explained it such that a 10-year-old could understand. And what did I get in the end except, “Sorry, I just don’t buy it.” That was it. Chief Obstacle asked no questions, asked for no sources, or how I knew all that I knew about this very important subject. Obviously, I had been talking to a customer that did not want to know why he owed me money. Rob’s Chief Obstacle was not interested in what I had to say. He indulged me for an hour. He simply wanted to get through the allotted time for my visit, dismiss anything I told him, and get me out the door. Obviously as well, the DC House of Congress had decided to hand Obama the authority that would put destroying America to an up or down vote. That is what TPP would have done. Thankfully, President Trump tore the agreement to pieces as one of his first actions.

But voting against giving any additional authority to Obama should have been a no brainer. Did DC Representative Woodall not notice that the president at the time was systematically destroying our country? Did DC Representative Woodall not notice that the same president to whom he would hand this dangerous authority had just taken over 1/5 of the US economy with socialized healthcare? Did DC Representative Woodall not notice that this same president had hired America’s arch enemies, Al Qaeda, ostensibly the same bunch responsible for the 9/11 attack, and wasted our tax dollars overthrowing a Libyan Government that posed no threat to America? I mean what should a concerned citizen like myself do to get his government representative to understand such simple, blatantly obvious sets of facts?
Oh, and we haven’t even spoken yet about DC Representative Woodall voting to take your tax dollars to fund the training and weaponizing of ISIS, twice, or voting to give Obama the necessary authority to sign the infamous Iraq Nuclear Agreement, or voting to allow the US Government to use US Tax dollars to propagandize the American people for un-American purposes, or voting twice to pre-authorize the US Government to bailout Wall Street banks, yet again, when the next financial crisis occurs. No, we haven’t even touched on any of that, and more.
Obviously, the DC Representative to Georgia’s 7th District, one of the nicest guys in all of congress, has an agenda that does not include representing the interests of those in his district, but only includes representing the interests of DC to us. Just keep that in mind on May 22 when you vote in the primaries.