Why the World has Gone Crazy
If you follow my column, you know I write a lot about our money, maybe better described as, “currency.” I do that because factors concerning the control of currency bear an undue influence over many of our most important governmental decisions, even decisions to go to war. But while the control of currency is fundamental to politics, this underlying consideration, which drives our major governmental policy-making, is likely the least understood of all. Seems like everyone has an opinion on how much the government should spend on this or that; but very few even understand where the money it spends even comes from. It’s as if people just think the dollars are out there and our job is to figure out the best thing to do with them. Everyone talks about government spending. But few talk about the more important question regarding how the government even comes by the currency it spends.

Most Have No Idea Where Money Comes From
A couple of years ago, I found myself in an elevator with a candidate for US Senate. I took the opportunity to ask my “litmus test” question, “Do you know how money is created?” Of course, she had no idea, offering me an answer that contradicted itself, “Yes, but I don’t know you ask?” As the door opened at my floor, my response was simply the truth, “If you really did know, you would know why I ask.” Enter, blank stare. And to this day, I wonder how many of our politicians really know the answer.
But the answer to my question is fundamental for anyone to understand the fiscal circumstances America faces. Together, the American people and their government are $70 trillion in debt. And I do not care how Representatives Rob Woodall (7th GA) or Doug Collins (9th GA) mislead you, not only can the debt not be paid, but if they tried, they would bankrupt our entire country and the world. You see, the answer to my question is that our currency is borrowed into existence, at interest, from private, Federal Reserve banks. The entire American money supply is borrowed. It cannot be paid back. The math is such that after operating this system for over 100 years, the American people are $70 trillion in debt and the banks are too-big-to-fail. And practically each major nation is mired in debt too. That’s because they suffer under the same scheme. It’s all fraud.
But the system is running its course. It is going to end. All that’s left is to guess when and how that will happen. That’s why the world is so crazy. The players know it, are scrambling for positions like a game of musical chairs, and do not want you to know it. Until then, the Fed must keep issuing more and more dollars to service the debt on the dollars already issued…and we’re doing crazy stuff to help them.

Local Taxpayers Borrow to Build Private Stadium
The Braves had a perfectly beautiful, modern stadium downtown. Everyone was making money. The problem is that Turner Field was paid for. And what about the Georgia Dome? Yes, paid for too. You would think that would be good; but under this system it’s bad. So the politicians decide to build two brand new stadiums for private owners. The banks loan the dollars, taxpayers absorb the debt, pay it over time, and have it rubbed in their faces, the Braves playing in a stadium named for a bank that printed the money out of nothing, and placed them into debt for 20 years.

Architectural Marvel Built on Debt
Mercedes Benz stadium might be the most advanced in the world. People from other countries marvel at Atlanta’s new architectural wonder, amazed at what an advanced civilization America must be to own such a spectacular venue. But they are fooled. They are fooled because that stadium is not owned at all, not really. That stadium is built by dollars not yet earned. Even the banks that financed the stadium did not earn them. They just printed the money from the future. That is the American system. Debt buys everything; it makes us decide policies irrational on their faces, and in the end America winds up overwhelmed in debt. And here’s a little secret: Obama didn’t open relations with Cuba for any reason other than to create a new market in which to loan Federal Reserve currency. You see the crazy stuff this debt-based money system makes us do? It makes us pay off debt with more debt, buy things we don’t need, and make dumb decisions. We borrow from tomorrow for a better life today—by design.

US Trade Deficit Financed by More and More Debt
And that is what the trade deficit is designed to do, and why Wall Street loves it. The US trade deficit is just one more way to keep Americans borrowing more and more Wall Street dollars, printed out of nothing, driving us further into debt for each one of them. And then we infect the world, sending them out of our country to buy cheap stuff from enemies that use slave labor and pollute the earth. See what I mean? We do crazy, dumb stuff, all because of this currency thing, and the need to issue more of it to pay for what has already issued.
So it’s all about the currency, friends. All this craziness we see in today’s world, it’s all about the currency and the need to keep the dollars growing in number. And if they don’t, the system crashes. Fortunately, America finally has a president who both understands the problem and is acting to fix it. That’s why they hate him.