US Foreign Aid, The Real Purpose
Earlier this week President Trump tweeted that over the last 15 years America has “foolishly” given Pakistan over 33 billion dollars in foreign aid, stating that in return Pakistan has handed America, “nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools.” Trump didn’t stop there, offering to his followers that while Americans hunt terrorists in Afghanistan, Pakistan gives our enemies safe haven right next-door. Trump finished his message, proclaiming, “No more!”

“No more,” indeed. Each year American taxpayers shoulder the burden of rendering financial aid to the governments of the world, their own government passing out dollars like candy, either taxing or indebting the American people for every dollar that various corrupt leaders around the world receive.
Your Washington congresspersons would like you to believe that US foreign aid goes to help the disadvantaged peoples of the world, providing them with food and a roof over their heads, necessities they would not have otherwise. Georgia Senator Johnny Isakson, long-time member of the Foreign Relations Committee, continues to lead the effort of deciding just how many of your hard-earned tax dollars, or how much the US government should indebt in your name, to send to various countries of the world, aiding them to fulfill questionable, or even anti-American intentions. Trump’s statement seems to indicate he will no longer allow US dollars being sent free-of-charge for undeserving purposes. So in light of Trump’s remarks, let’s look at the US foreign aid program, understand its real purpose, and discover who benefits from it.
To grasp the big picture though, recall from previous commentaries that the US Government operates no real money system of its own, and thus utilizes no in-house means to issue the dollars it sends as foreign aid packages. Instead, operating within the US Government is an independent, privately-owned, central banking system. That’s right, the American central banking system has private owners, serving their own intentions, yet it operates within the US Government, this by design of congress. As you know, the system is called the Federal Reserve.

Also recall that Fed Currency is always introduced as debt owed back to the Fed banks that issue it. And finally, recall that because Fed banks do not issue the currency necessary to pay the interest on the debt they issue, the interest on the entire outstanding currency supply can only be paid if those same banks introduce more and more debt into circulation. That allows the economy as a whole to pay the interest on the existing debt, out of newer debt just borrowed. That’s how they keep the system rolling.
And so to remain solvent, the Federal Reserve System relies upon the relentless acquisition of more and more debt into worldwide circulation. That means that the issuance of new currency, in ever-increasing amounts, can never stop. Unless new debt can be issued into circulation in ever-increasing amounts, the Fed banks that issue the currency cannot be paid the interest due on the existing debt and the system crashes.
Now what better way to ensure that new currency might be regularly injected into world circulation than for the US Government to borrow it from banks, or tax it from its citizens, creating demand for new borrowing, and simply give it away to foreign governments? Because the US dollar is the currency of international trade, those dollars are gladly received abroad. Nations desiring to trade with other nations, or wishing to purchase oil, or importantly, to purchase western weapons of war, must possess Federal Reserve currency to do so. So the US Government taxes the American people, and borrows on their credit, handing the proceeds directly to foreign governments to do as they wish.
Now each year, western weapons manufacturers host numerous expositions around the world, inviting representatives from scores of countries whose governments desire to purchase armaments of war and tools of population repression. One such example is SOFEX, which is held annually in Jordan. Over half of SOFEX shoppers arrive from countries receiving US foreign aid. Oh, but I thought that aid went to the hungry…

SOFFEX Customers (L)/ Customers Receiving Foreign Aid Circled (R)
So what we have here, friends, is a circle of loot flowing from the Fed banks to the US Government, and then to various foreign governments, then on to the oil producers and weapons producers, a process which by its nature impoverishes and indebts the American people, fulfills the bankers’ needs of issuing more and more new dollars into world circulation, enriches the bankers, enriches the oil producers and weapons manufacturers, and keeps the world at war and nations repressing their peoples. The US foreign aid program is a just another scam, one intended to make a charitable people feel good about themselves, while covertly draining their wealth and transferring it to the private interests who have taken control of American government. Historically, US foreign aid has been a mechanism designed to increase the demand for Federal Reserve currency around the world, keeping the world of nations addicted to its use, its primary purpose to enrich a cadre of private interests while maintaining demand for the US dollar in international trade.
But now there is a new sheriff in town. And according to President Trump, no longer will American government allow its people to be fleeced for un-American purposes, even if it makes certain Americans feel good.