Truth Will Set US Free
You may have noticed, many of my articles center on money and the Federal Reserve banking system. I write on this subject to help explain how America got to where it is today, $71 trillion in actual signed-on debt, and an American citizenry possessing very little effective control over a government once described as, “of, by and for the people.” When Lincoln coined that term and used it at Gettysburg, he also informed future American generations that it falls on them to ensure that popular government “shall not perish from the earth.” And so, according to our 16th President, each generation is born with the responsibility that when its time is complete, the form of government it inherited would still be in place. Unfortunately, that responsibility has not been fulfilled.
I believe that Americans who might read this article are either extremely fortunate to have been born here, or just as fortunate to find themselves in America by whatever means that occurred. Scripture instructs that to whom much is given much is expected. And so if you believe you are fortunate to live in America, and you believe what you read in the Good Book, then I expect that in some way you might also agree in Lincoln’s charge of responsibility to American posterity to help in the ways God has given to preserve our country and all that it means for those who come later. Every person who feels that responsibility likely has some way to further that purpose. One of my ways is to convey these thoughts for people to consider. I appreciate the opportunities I have to reach the people I do.
Last week, I described how it is that American Government, designed “of, by and for the people,’ has morphed into one better described “of, by and for monied special interests.” I postulated that the changes to which I referred are largely the result of American legislative processes taken over by those same private special interests, and paid for by dollars created at virtually no cost in a private banking system, the controllers of which possess their own motives, which do not include perpetuating popular control of American government, and who are unaccountable to the people or to their government.
The sustainability of a private banking system handed the franchise to manufacture and issue money at interest depends on one primary factor, whether that system can produce enough economically-viable ways to increase the private money supply at a rate faster than the paying of principle and interest requires, and still allow those who use dollars to operate a growing economy. That means the system must always develop new markets and maintain existing markets for US dollars. Why do you think Obama chose to open relations with Cuba? Answer: Cuba is one of the very few, virtually untapped markets in this world where US dollar-based capital could be invested and have a reasonable chance of being paid back with interest. Why do you think GW Bush chose to take down Saddam’s government in Iraq? Answer: In 1999 Saddam declared Iraq would no longer take US dollars in exchange for oil, opting instead for Euros. Saddam had to go. Why do you think Obama and Hillary took out Qaddafi in Libya? Answer: As President of the African Union, Qaddafi declared his intention of moving the African member countries away from the US dollar and operate a gold-backed African currency. That would mean Wall Street Banks could no longer create money out of thin air to purchase and control African resources. Instead, Wall Street would need gold. So Obama and Hillary did what they had to do, working for the true American sovereign, the controllers of the Federal Reserve banking system and corporate partners, and took Qaddafi out. Remember Hillary cackling, “We came, we saw, he died?” That was Hillary’s way of boasting to those who really run America and the world that she had completed the job assigned and performed it admirably.
So maybe you can begin to see how the American Government has effectively ceased to operate under the US Constitution for the people’s purposes, and has for many years had its most important policies dictated by those who control the money, those who really run our country and have for many decades.

And one of the ways our controllers remain in power is by turning the American people against each other. While Americans fight among themselves, they have little time to grasp that they are being used by technocrats who design and project political issues into the public arena, the primary purpose being to stoke and maintain as much strife as possible. And they do that by their ownership and control of the mainstream news media. In 1983, there were over sixty competing news agencies in America. Now there are six. Those six are immune from antitrust action because of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which deregulated ownership of media enterprises, a bill strategically passed by a Republican Congress and signed by (surprise) Bill Clinton. Now what would happen if those six effectively received the same daily talking points at 4 AM from a central point of control? Projecting organized talking points into the public mind, day after day, would be very dishonest, would it not? Now what does President Trump repeat at every opportunity before the public, that we have a “very dishonest news media,” does he not? Trump is telling you the truth, understanding that if the American people ever truly understand the truth, eventually, the truth will set us free.