Trump’s Biggest Promise Fulfilled Soon
Whether you agree with President Trump’s policies, you must admit he makes good on his promises. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump promised to tear up the disastrous Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, which would have subordinated US sovereignty and subjected American businesses to the decisions of a private, multi-national, corporate board and court. Signing the US to such an agreement would have clipped the wings of the American economic powerhouse and passed its lost power to a handful of global elite planners and policymakers. One of Trump’s first acts was to cancel consideration of that agreement and cast it onto the ash heap of history.

During the campaign, Trump confirmed that the Paris Climate Accord was just another scam designed to suck wealth from the American people and place it in the hands of international policy makers and regulators, private organizers to receive massive payments of US carbon taxes, funded by US tax dollars, ostensibly as compensation due the world for America exceeding its allotment of carbon dioxide emissions. Trump promised to pull America out of the Paris accord, and in June of his first year in office he announced the US withdrawal.
During the campaign, Trump charged President Obama with negotiating a “horrible” nuclear weapons deal with Iran. As it turns out, that deal was one more way of fleecing the American people, various mechanisms, including planeloads of cash, designed to transfer American wealth to private beneficiaries. Trump scrapped the deal against the wishes of those European and Iranian beneficiaries who can no longer depend on American donations for their hidden purposes.
During the campaign, Trump promised to rid America of Obamacare. And when congress could not agree on a path forward fulfilling that promise, Trump scrapped the Obamacare individual mandate funding mechanism, restoring constitutional government to the American people.
During the campaign, Trump promised to defeat ISIS once and for all. Have you heard much news about ISIS lately?
During the campaign, Trump promised to nominate conservative, originalist judges to sit on America’s highest court. Trump has fulfilled that promise twice, nominating and confirming Neil Gorsuch, and recently nominating Judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill the latest vacancy on the Supreme Court.
During the campaign, Trump promised significant tax cuts to the American people. Last December, Trump signed into law the largest tax cut in American history. And Trump is planning for a next round of “permanent” tax cuts, the congressional debate to begin in September.
During the campaign, Trump promised to bring industry and meaningful jobs back to America. He promised jobs coming to the African-American community. Those promises are being kept, the US unemployment rate in total, and also with respect to African-Americans, at historic lows.
During the campaign, Trump promised that the European nations of NATO would pay for their own defense rather than relying so heavily on US military capabilities. Two weeks ago, NATO nations made historic commitments to ratchet up their expenditures on national defense.
And then there’s the wall on the border with Mexico, which is underway. But during the campaign, Trump indicated that Mexico would pay for it. Most people heard those words and reckoned Trump to mean that the Mexican government would write a check to pay for the wall. Of course, that is not what Trump meant. Trump meant that over time the trade deficit with Mexico would decrease, which would be a cost to Mexico, which would increase the dollars retained in the US economy, which would increase economic American GDP, which would increase tax revenues, which would pay for the wall. Now try explaining that to a partisan who does not want to understand…
There are many other Trump campaign promises, the fulfillment of which are ongoing projects within the Administration.
But the principal promise Trump made during his campaign, was the one to, “drain the swamp.” During the campaign, Trump announced unequivocally to the American people and the world that the movement associated with his candidacy was for one fundamental purpose, that to, “replace a failed and corrupt political establishment, with a new government controlled by you, the American people.” Trump expanded that pronouncement, informing those who did not already know, “The Washington establishment and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exist for only one reason, to protect and enrich itself.” Trump avowed, “trillions of dollars are at stake,” and that the 2016 question was “not simply another four-year election,” but was indeed a “crossroads in the history of our civilization.” Trump represented his campaign as, “a struggle for the survival of our nation,” and warned the American people, “This will be our last chance to save it.”
Now who really believes such a bedrock campaign promise has been forgotten? Who really believes that Trump simply uttered those words to get elected? Given Trump’s track record fulfilling campaign promises, who among us can muster a doubt that Trump intends to keep the one promise on which his entire effort of seeking the presidency was founded?
Friends, we are getting very close. When this Trump train leaves the station, it will be unmistakable. Be ready with a comfortable chair and lots of popcorn. Invite your friends. History is in the making. Because when the real truth behind all we see in the mainstream media begins to be uncovered in earnest, America and peoples across the globe will witness the largest roundup and prosecution world class criminals this planet has ever seen. The second American Revolution is upon us.
Now, which side are you on?