Trump Trusts Putin over US Intel, With Good Reason

Trump Meets Putin in Helsinki
Earlier this week, following the Trump-Putin summit in Helsinki, when asked about alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, President Trump told America and the world another hard truth. And that is that Russian President Vladimir Putin is more trustworthy than the US civilian intelligence agencies, FBI and CIA. Top level operatives in those agencies have been working to maintain a wedge between the two heads-of-state ever since it became apparent that Trump just might win the 2016 election and defeat their heir-apparent, Hillary Clinton. The deep state and the Democrats are deathly afraid of those two leaders comparing notes. Neither world leader is beholden to those who pull their strings, Putin has the goods on Hillary, Mueller and the Uranium One deal, and Trump has economic leverage over Putin to encourage him to sing. So when Trump emerged as a viable challenger to Hillary in 2016, high-level operatives in those intelligence agencies initiated a plan to prevent Trump from winning, and once elected, deny him a full term.

Strzok testifies to Congress
Confirming that allegation, last week in public House committee testimony, former head of FBI counterespionage, Peter Strzok, read his own texts aloud admitting to the world that he and others with whom he shared allegiances vowed to “stop” Donald Trump from being elected. And when the probability of a Trump victory became apparent despite their efforts, as Strzok also read aloud, he and those same high-ranking officials would be forced to take out an “insurance policy” to deal with the prospect of Trump assuming America’s highest office. That insurance policy was a fake dossier paid for by the Clinton Campaign (proving collusion with FBI and DOJ), copies of which Strzok admitted were delivered to Associate Attorney General Bruce Ohr by Arizona Senator John McCain and two other operatives less-well-known. Strzok also admitted that Ohr handed those documents to high-ranking officials of the FBI. Although the information contained in what has become known as the “Steele Dossier” was completely fabricated by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, the falsehoods alleged in that document were used by high-ranking FBI officials to secure a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump Campaign. Obviously, those high-ranking US intelligence officials hoped that spying would turn up some speck of evidence of Trump wrong-doing which could be turned into a case. And it was present Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein whose signature appears on the FISA warrant renewal. That would be the same Rod Rosenstein who commissioned the Special Counsel investigation into Trump-Russian collusion and election meddling, and who placed former FBI Director and deep state member Robert Mueller in charge.
And Trump is supposed to believe and tell the world that these US intelligence agencies are trustworthy?

Nuland announces $5B US Tax dollars spent in Ukraine
Now at the heart of the alleged crimes Putin has perpetrated against the good people of the free world, according to US civilian intelligence, is a notion that Putin took over the former Soviet State of Crimea, then a part of Ukraine, unprovoked. The MSM, including conservative mainstay Fox News, consistently portrays Putin’s action as a violation of international law, not to mention the human rights of the Crimeans. But none of that is remotely true. It was Obama’s State Department, captained by former Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who instigated a coup against the democratically-elected government of Ukraine. The Ukrainian Government had recently decided against contracting with certain Western energy companies, notably Chevron, to explore the Ukrainian countryside in search of frackable energy deposits. Instead the Ukrainian Government opted to contract with Russian energy giant Gazprom. The US State Department under Nuland’s direction spent over $5 billion US tax dollars planning and programming the Ukrainian coup, which began as covertly-positioned mercenary contractors shot from rooftops at innocent demonstrators in downtown Kiev. Nuland was caught on a cell phone tap discussing which of her candidates should become the next Ukrainian Prime Minister. Nuland’s choice, of course, a former Goldman-Sachs executive, would win her nod and replace the previous occupant of that office, who was never seen again.
Understanding what Obama had just pulled off, Putin took steps to protect Russia’s only warm water port, which Russia had a contractual agreement to operate in Crimea. The population of Crimea, mostly of Russian decent, chose overwhelmingly to secede from Ukraine and join back with Russia, the vote as reported by CBS News and others being 97% in favor of leaving Ukraine.
That’s what happened. Trump knows this, which is why he blamed Obama for Crimea, saying Putin would not have taken over had Trump been president. After all, Trump would not have overthrown the Ukrainian Government. Putin knows all this and told Fox News commentator Chris Wallace as much during an interview earlier this week. But you would never know the truth listening to the US intelligence services, our Congress or mainstream media. I recall asking my Congressman Rob Woodall about Nuland’s overthrow of the Ukrainian Government, hardly a Constitutional power of American government, and Woodall honestly did not know who she was. So if you are reading this, and you did not know the truth I just laid out for you, do not feel alone. Many members of Congress still do not know what happened. That is because they trust the US civilian intelligence services to tell them the truth, and that is why Trump does not.
What we really have here is not only an American coup in Ukraine, but also a coup right here in America which Trump is battling to reverse. Fortunately, Trump does not have to depend on American civilian intelligence services for the truth. He has his own reliable intelligence service directing his understanding, that of the US Military.