Trump Sends Enemies to Fantasy Island
We’ve talked about this for a couple of weeks now, that President Trump and Attorney General Sessions, while seeming at odds, purposely present that way. The reason is to throw off their (our) enemies. Those enemies are members of a dangerous cabal that took over the US Government, which would have cemented its control under a Hillary presidency, utilizing the corporate media it controls. As discredited as it is, the mainstream media remains formidable, providing cover for its masters by continually attacking President Trump with lies designed to sap his power. While that game is working with fewer and fewer Americans, it remains a powerful tactic with the ill-informed left.
Many are frustrated with Trump and Sessions, understanding the criminal nature of the cabal. They do not understand why Trump does not simply explain to the world the nature of the criminal element that took over our government, naming the ring leaders as he does, and dispatch the Justice Department to arrest them. Let’s look at that.
When Trump took office, the FBI and DOJ were overrun with cabal operatives. Could Trump have counted on the bad guys to arrest themselves and their bosses? Of course not. And what about prosecutions? Could Trump have counted on the bad guys who remained at the top of the Justice Department to effectively prosecute those who put them there as protection? No chance. And who are those “bad guys” anyway? Do they wear black hats? “Bad Guy” T-shirts? No, they look just like anyone else. So to surmise who these people even are, Trump had to expose them. Last week, we discussed how he is doing that.
Now as an alternative, Trump could have summarily fired everyone in the FBI and DOJ, starting at the top. Had he done that though, no one would remain to administer cases already under investigation or prosecution. And what a field day the media would have had. Furthermore, those Trump fired would not only escape prosecution themselves, but would continue to work against Trump in various ways, waiting for the day he leaves office, expecting to return to work. Thus, firing everyone would have accomplished very little.
And so, Trump has been patient, allowing evidence against each deep state FBI and DOJ operative to come out in a painstakingly deliberate manner. As evidence against each deep state player comes to light, each is replaced and encouraged to provide testimony against others. The process of ridding the US Government of corruption, draining the swamp, has been slow, exhausting, and frustrating. And at last count, Hillary and others approaching her level of corruption remain free. But Trump knows he has a winning card, among many, he can play at any strategic moment, declassifying the House FISA Memo, followed by the Inspector General Report, both presently highly redacted.
Recall, the FISA Memo details how a certain fake dossier, paid for by the Clinton Campaign, written by a former British Intelligence Officer Christopher Steele, transmitted to the US Justice Department by Senator John McCain and DOJ official Bruce Ohr, was used to secure a surveillance warrant, its purpose to justify spying on the Trump Campaign. Declassifying that document is the starting point of legally unraveling the layers of protection built around the actors whose names and deeds are therein concealed. Numerous signatures appear on the original FISA application and subsequent renewals submitted to the FISA Court. Those signers are all gone now, except for one, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Why?
Recall that Trump hired Rosenstein on the strength of a recommendation from Attorney General Sessions. Shortly after taking the job, Rosenstein wrote a letter to President Trump outlining the reasons FBI Director Comey should be fired. Trump accepted Rosenstein’s recommendation and dismissed Comey. Importantly, however, the day before the President named Chris Wray as Comey’s replacement, Trump interviewed one last candidate for FBI Director. That individual was former, long-time FBI Director Robert Mueller, who could not legally take the job anyway, having already exceeded the statutory limitations of the position. Trump interviewed him anyway. Why?
The day following that interview, Trump’s new hire, Rosenstein, curiously hired Mueller as Special Counsel to investigate Trump campaign collusion with Russia. How insane is that? Since when does the FBI investigate when there is no identifiable crime? On the other hand, mountains of evidence exist tying Hillary Clinton, her campaign and the Clinton Foundation to not only Russian collusion, but also racketeering, government corruption and possibly even treason regarding the sale of 20% of America’s uranium reserves to a Russian energy company while Obama’s Secretary of State. Instead, Mueller, who as FBI Director failed to question the Uranium One deal, investigates Trump collusion with various obscure Russians for which there is no predicate of misdeed. Are we supposed to believe any of this is real? Are we to believe Trump is so dumb as to hire a crook to hire an even bigger crook to investigate himself, while the real kingpin, Crooked Hillary, gets off scot-free? Absolutely not.

Trump understands that people must see the cabal’s corruption for themselves. What better way than to have the guilty parties convict each other. When Trump declassifies the FISA Memo, Rosenstein will be forced to defend or admit perjury, having signed a known-false FISA renewal, and either leave office or recuse. Simultaneously the legal foundation for the Mueller investigation, authorized by Rosenstein as a result of illegal surveillance, will dissolve. Trump is allowing his enemies to live out their wildest fantasies, hoping to remove him from office, while he readies his pen.