Trump Declares National Emergency, MSM Ignores
On December 21st of last year, three days after congress passed President Trump’s tax cut package, the president signed a detailed executive order, one entitled, “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.” We cannot read enough into Trump’s purposes in issuing this landmark set of instructions the mainstream media has ignored. Something is up, friends. Trump appears readying to drop the proverbial hammer. An entire host of players may be affected.

According to the president’s order, “serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world” constitute an “unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States.” For that reason, in his next paragraph President Trump declares a state of national emergency, giving him the necessary powers under law to deal with the threats he identifies in the order.
Now the order does not specifically indicate what these threats might be, only that they are significant and endanger not only the “foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies,” but importantly, “the financial system of the United States.” Trump’s order confers to the US State Department, partnering with the US Treasury Department, the tools to effectively dragnet and freeze assets of individuals and their associates involved in certain activities giving rise to the threats he cites, and which result in the emergency conditions warranting the president’s order.
A careful reading of the order, and a working knowledge of allegations of widespread corruption circulating the halls of congress, as well as the American mainstream and alternative media, lead us to consider the genuine possibility that President Trump’s order empowers the US Justice Department to investigate and ultimately press charges against Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative and various other individuals either associated or not associated with those parties and entities. The order calls for the blocking of assets within the “possession or control of any United States person,” such as the Clintons and others, received from various foreign sources. A list of certain foreign sources of freezable assets is attached at the end of the order.
Some of the foreign sources of assets subject to block are not individuals specifically listed in the order, but are individuals and entities engaged in activities Trump’s order describes. Those activities include ones associated with serious human rights abuses around the world. And they also include activities associated with corruption, misappropriation of state assets, expropriation of private assets for personal gain, corruption related to government contracts, extraction of natural resources, and bribery. Notice that those activities parallel certain serious allegations circulating concerning the activities of Bill and Hillary Clinton and others associated with the Clintons, perhaps even George Soros or higher. Supporting the possibility that Hillary and/or Bill and their associates might be in the cross hairs here, Trump’s order specifically targets individuals who may be “current or former government officials,” or any “person acting on behalf of such an official, who is responsible for or complicit in, or has directly or indirectly engaged in” the activities the order cites.
Building further on the possibility that Trump’s order aims at pressing a case against the Clintons and perhaps others with whom they are associated, last week the mainstream media reported that the US Justice Department is conducting an investigation into the workings of former Secretary of State Clinton, who remained in that position until February of 2013, when she stepped down to be replaced by then Senator John Kerry.
Hastening these events could be the fact that the statute of limitations on various illegal works Hillary Clinton may have committed as a US Government employee runs out next month, five years after her last day of public service. Thus, for Clinton to be prosecuted on certain specific alleged wrongdoings, charges must be brought soon.
Now these are serious possibilities for sure; but why does Trump insist that these circumstances rise to the level of national emergency? And why does Trump allege the possibility of danger to the US economy and financial system?
Obviously, Trump understands that the corruption inside the US Government, likely involving foreign actors, the financial elite, various corporate players and elected officials at all levels of government is so great, so pervasive, so deep, that the power players with whom he contends, and who never dreamed they would be out of power, might do literally anything to either remain with power or stay out of incarceration. Until Trump became president, these actors were among the most powerful on earth and likely still hold access to power in many respects, their henchpersons remaining strategically situated within the deep state to protect their interests. Acts that criminal minds might undertake to remain free and hold power are limited only by a willingness to perform them. Trump’s order indicates his awareness that if those adversely affected by it imagine they might remain free by bringing down the US financial system, they would exercise that option.
To preempt any actors from committing resources under their control for harmful purposes, or from moving them away of US government control, Section 7 of Trump’s order stipulates that notice will not be given prior to its purposes being executed.
So friends, something is up. I expect we will find out what very soon.