Traitor Curtain About to Drop
It still amazes me the number of people who do not, or will not, recognize that America suffered an attempted, calculated, silent coup. While we went about personal business, America was taken over. Fortunately, the job was not complete. A Hillary Clinton presidency, though, would have closed the deal. The American Experiment would have been over, deemed a failure by any rational account, the last, best hope of earth lost forever.
I witnessed the overthrow of America for many years, unwittingly. Something was wrong, politically, but I could not put my finger on it. Time after time, major federal and state legislation worked against the purposes of the people and for the purposes of private interests. Campaign reform was obviously needed at the federal level. But when that bill finally passed, corporate interests won the day again, subsequently cementing control over our government by the use of private purse strings which open and close as politicians make concessions furthering corporate purposes, or popular interests, respectively.
9/11 justified a constant state of war, America fighting various enemies who never attacked us. Spurring that effort was never national security concerns, but simply the prospect of seizing control of vital energy resources to benefit the corporate interests effectively running our government. Practically speaking, the US Government and its military had become a partnering tool for elite interests to conquer a world of nations by taking over the world economy.
American Presidents since Reagan all played their parts in building a worldwide enforcer of corporate will to dominate the nations. GW Bush performed his part furthering corporate purposes, waging war and destroying Iraq, conveniently tying that purpose to the 9/11 attacks. Saddam of course, who began his reign as a CIA puppet, had nothing to do with 9/11, but merely attempted to break Iraq from the clutches of the corporate masters controlling our Government. Executing the plan, Bush co-opted the vengeful mood of the American people, channeling that energy to benefit the same corporate interests to which I refer, while committing a multi-generational investment of American resources and blood to control the untapped energy resources of the Middle East. I recall at the time believing GW Bush hung the moon. In 2005, I drove to Crawford, Texas to counter-protest Cindy Sheehan, whose son had been killed in Iraq. As things turned out, Cindy was right.
But before Bush’s second term expired, the banks who own and control the American money supply, motivated by greed the brand only the Bible might adequately describe, created a wasteland of the American and world economies. Bush bailed them all out, shamefully indebting the American people before departing.
Then entered the corporate masters’ prize student, Barack Obama, who you might recall, came out of nowhere to utter the keynote address at the 2004 Democrat Convention. Obama became Senator from Illinois two years later, and President two years after that. Could you have done that? Of course not. Only the kind of money the corporate elite could conjure might put the actor Obama in the White House in only four years.
But Obama was just the harbinger of the real, culminating act of overthrowing the American Government. During eight years in office, Obama doubled the national debt. Why did he do that? Simple, the dollars Obama borrowed and paid into the economy kept it going. Of the $14 trillion presently in circulation, $9 trillion came from Obama’s borrowing and over $3 trillion came from the Federal Reserve money printing, those dollars handed to the bankers as, “quantitative easing.” Otherwise those dollars would not be circulating today and the US and world economies would have folded. See how this works?
And while Obama was in office he made sure Deep State protectors would occupy every key position in the US Government—especially law enforcement, which brings us to this week’s news, Trump’s declassification of the Carter Page FISA application and other related documents used to permit government surveillance of the Trump campaign, begin the Special Counsel Russian witch hunt, and an attempted overthrow of Trump, once elected.
In the coming days you will witness verification of all that I have told you over the past few weeks. You will see Attorney General Sessions vindicated, unleashed from his recusal concerning the Russian witch hunt. Once these documents are public, they will prove there was no collusion between Trump and Russia, and that allegations of the same were part of a narrative created by intelligence operatives who never imagined Hillary would lose.
You will see the removal from office, or at least a tolerated recusal by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the author of the Mueller Russian witch hunt.
With Rosenstein effectively gone and Sessions fully in charge, the Attorney General will finally close down the Special Counsel and take over the real investigation, begun last Fall at his direction, of all the players who orchestrated a coup against the US Government, whose names will be very familiar.
Seeing writing on the wall, many of those players will flip, giving up all they know concerning former FBI Director Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, either or both of whom, when confronted with massive evidence of their high crimes, will grant testimonies offering evidence incriminating those at the very top, Obama himself, Hillary Clinton and beyond. Yes, there are those above Barack and Hillary with names like Soros, Rothschild and others less well-known.

These are historic times. Pay close attention. Instruct your children. DC is panicking and the traitor curtain is about to drop.