An acquaintance recently asked me why I seemingly only criticize Republicans. “It just seems like every now and then you would go after a Democrat,” she complained. I get that. And, yes, it may seem that way. But in the final analysis, the Democrats, at least in Georgia, are not a problem that grabs my attention. Nor do Democrats care what I have to say. We know Democrats are going to cheat at elections. There, I said it. Do they care? No. We know Democrats are going to arrest and attempt to bankrupt Trump-supporting Republicans, just like they are attempting to do with Trump himself in several states.
But in Georgia, it is the so-called Republicans who enable all that to occur, and never put up a fight. Consider the Republican defendants being tried by Fani Willis for election-related felony allegations, charges unprecedented in American history, solely as a means of exacting political retribution in Fulton County against Trump-supporting Republicans. Where is Republican Attorney General Chris Carr in all that? Where is Republican Governor Kemp in all that? Where is Republican Secretary of State Raffensperger in all of that? And recently, notice it was another Republican, Judge Scott McAfee, a Kemp appointee, who enabled Fani Willis to continue prosecuting innocent fellow Republicans for political purposes after massive evidence of duplicitous prosecutorial behavior surfaced.
Are the Republican office holders to whom I refer just more fair-minded than their Democrat counterparts? I ask that because, should one turn the tables and place Democrats on trial in those defendant’s seats, Democrat elected officials in the same offices would never allow that kind of malicious prosecution to take place without fighting back. Rather than our trusted “Republican” elected officials fighting back against malicious prosecutions, however, these Republicans effectively cooperate with Democrats allowing sham prosecutions to go forward. So, no, these Republicans are not just more “fair-minded” than Democrats. They are not even Republicans, by ideology, but are rather members of a cooperative sect of establishment-minded operators, who many refer as the “UNIPARTY.” Uniparty members run as Republicans, swear allegiance to Republican ideals, say the right things, act the good act, and are well-funded, knowing full well, however, they march in concert with the will of others, by whose POWER and MONEY they became (s)elected, in disregard of the will of the people.
Remember, it was Republican Brian Kemp, who effectively admitted signing a fraudulent election certification in 2020, moment before putting pen to paper.
It was Republican Brad Raffensperger who coordinated directly with the Georgia Democratic Party, arranging methods which eventually facilitated the Democrats to steal the 2020 presidential election and send two Democrats to DC as Senators. Am I the only one who finds it odd that the three Republican Musketeers, Kemp, Raffensperger and Carr, won the top three statewide Georgia elections by substantial margins, while Democrats made off with both US Senate seats, not to mention the presidency? In what real world does that happen? It happens in a world controlled by the Uniparty.
So, I have no problem with Democrats being Democrats. I have a big problem with the Uniparty, masquerading as Republicans, and siding with Democrats against Republicans. Without good, decent, true Republicans evening up to score against Democrats, America is toast. And that is one reason I may seem to go after certain Republicans.
The War for the Georgia Republican Party-Feigned Establishment Support for MAGA Republican Candidates
There is a war in full swing over control of the Georgia Republican Party. That war is waging while many remain asleep, or wonder why we can’t “unify.” In one corner we find Trump-supporting MAGA Republicans. In the other we find the establishment Republican “Uniparty.” While members of the Republican Uniparty cast an image of support for Trump and other MAGA Republican candidates on the 2024 ballot, that support is no more real than a staged production of professional wrestling on Saturday night. Establishment Uniparty Republicans are actors in a play fight, attempting to seem true-blue Republicans, while subtly nudging Republican voters’ minds toward apathy, or even disdain for Presidential candidate Donald Trump. And one of the leading Uniparty actors feigning support for Donald Trump is Georgia Republican Party Chairman Josh McKoon.
Establishment Uniparty Remotely Controls Both Sides of the Debate
The easiest way to maintain control over a political system is to control the candidates and political operators on both sides. That way, artful candidates can say whatever is necessary to gain support from their side, but never mean a word of it. Listening to these actors, and seriously considering what they impart is like making eye contact with the Medusa, except in the case at hand, only one’s brain turns to stone. Recall 2018 gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp petrifying Republican voters’ minds claiming to have a “big truck to round up criminal illegals and take them home myself.”
That Kemp ad attracted many Republican votes helping Kemp to become Governor, but when has that campaign promise become real? It hasn’t. Kemp never meant a word of it. That is what the Uniparty does. And that is what I am warning against. Do not believe what these people say, believe only what they do. Forget the cleverness. Forget the rhetoric. It is all part of a well-calculated, fictional narrative, a fairy tale for children to believe. It is not and never has been real. And once these Uniparty “Republicans” take office, their sole task becomes to do whatever their true bosses tell them, while keeping the “children” believing campaign narratives as long as possible. In the case of Kemp, that would have been just long enough to win a second election. The Kemp mystique among grassroots Republicans has finally worn off.
A Man Cannot Serve Two Masters
Now, consider the rhetoric of Georgia Republican Chairman, Unipartier, Josh McKoon. Although his words convey deep concern for the 2024 election of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, Josh McKoon cares no more about Donald Trump becoming president in 2024 than Brian Kemp does. In fact, McKoon is not allowed to care any more than Kemp. That is because Josh McKoon derives his livelihood serving Brian Kemp as the governor’s appointed General Counsel for the Technical College System of Georgia. Should McKoon violate any duty to the governor, and perhaps pursue Trump’s election with an effectiveness beyond a level Kemp agrees, McKoon’s appointment could, and likely would terminate and McKoon would have to get a real job. That is how political puppetry works. Puppets live under a threat of reprisal.
Uniparty members run as Republicans, swear allegiance to Republican ideals, say the right things, act the good act, and are well-funded, knowing full well, however, they march in concert with the will of others, by whose POWER and MONEY they became (s)elected, in disregard of the will of the people.
Furthermore, because he represents the governor in the capacity of an attorney, Josh McKoon, has a special obligation to the governor, UNDER LAW. As an attorney, representing the authority of the governor, the law recognizes Josh McKoon as Governor Kemp’s “fiduciary.” Here’s what that means:
Do we think Brian Kemp just happened to appoint Josh McKoon to represent him in the capacity of an attorney, with a fiduciary responsibility back to the governor, in time to run for Republican Party Chairman, simply by chance? Do we think Josh McKoon was the simply the best qualified general counsel for the job?
And while we are at it, how is it that the work of TCSG General Gounsel, under the governor’s authority and control, takes McKoon so little time that it allows the Republican Chairman freedom to travel the state, or arrange party meetings and affairs, practically at will, during working hours, his salary to do so paid by Georgia tax payers? Doesn’t the TCSG have a time clock for its employees? Doesn’t Josh McKoon have a desk and hours to keep under the terms of his employment? As a salaried appointee of Governor Brian Kemp, Josh McKoon represents the governor’s authority, and the governor’s interests, 24/7/365, without exception. McKoon cannot get away from his fiduciary relationship with Kemp as long as he is employed in that capacity. The entire Executive Branch of Georgia Government operates under authority flowing to it from the governor. Pushing the governor’s policy agenda is therefore Josh McKoon’s job. As General Counsel under the Executive Branch of Georgia government, Josh McKoon is not free to turn his job ON and OFF, at will, to work as a governor’s attorney one instant, while fervently supporting an agenda contrary to the governor’s will the next.
Coincidences do not happen in politics. If something significant happens, you can be it was planned that way. Obviously, should Josh McKoon hold a real, private sector job, working in a similar capacity as general counsel, representing real clients rather than the governor, he would have little time to undertake the Republican Party chairmanship. The McKoon Republican chairmanship is a puppet show, McKoon playing the part of Pinocchio, in more ways than one, to Kemp’s Geppetto. Josh McKoon knows what he can do, and what he cannot do, and remain in good stead with his puppet master, while attempting to remain in good stead with Georgia’s rank and file Republicans, utilizing acting skills, perhaps developed over a period of years during his time as a state senator.
A man cannot serve two masters. Josh McKoon cannot serve both Governor Brian Kemp and serve the duties the Georgia Republican Party Chair is sworn, at the same time. It’s one or the other. The conflicts of interest, as I have documented numerous times, are fundamental. Rather than Brian Pritchard resigning, it is Josh McKoon who must resign. Georgia Republicans cannot have a political appointee of the governor running the Georgia Republican Party.
Marty Kemp Declares Allegiance to Georgia Uniparty
Josh McKoon’s boss, Brian Kemp, does not like Donald Trump. On that we can all agree. Brian Kemp would rather spend time with World Economic Forum Chairman Klaus Schwab, than helping Republican, Donald Trump, win the presidency in 2024. Wife Marty Kemp has stated publicly she will not support Republican Trump for president and will write in her hubbies name instead. Let’s make this clear. In so stating, Marty Kemp declared allegiance to political purposes in conflict with those of the Georgia Republican Party. It shoud be no surprise, Marty Kemp’s purposes align with those of the establishment Uniparty. Furthermore, last year, when he boycotted the Georgia Republican Party Convention, as he will undoubtedly do again, Brian Kemp effectively declared allegiance to the same Uniparty sect. Other than that, having ignored addressing Republicans at his own convention, Brian Kemp would maintain no practical political affiliation at all.
Kemp Remotely Controls Georgia Republican Party Chief
But Kemp knew what he was doing when he boycotted the convention. Kemp didn’t need to be there to gain what he really wanted. When we consider that the victor of the party chairmanship, Josh McKoon, is under Kemp’s “remote control,” as the terms of McKoon’s employment require, we must also recognize that Kemp won “remote control” of the Republican Party at the same time, an astute political move by Kemp, we should admit, playing his hand in direct view, and with the consent of the convention. In the final analysis, during the Columbus convention Governor Brian Kemp effectively took control of the Georgia Republican Party, in absentia.
So, say what you want about Josh McKoon’s chairmanship, the true head of the Georgia Republican Party, via remote control, is Governor Brian Kemp. And the last thing the true head of the Georgia Republican Party wants is for:
(1) the 2020 presidential election to remain under a cloud of suspicion, and
(2) Donald Trump to win the presidential election in 2024.
And whatever the true head of the party, Brian Kemp, wants, one can be sure his well-paid puppet appointees also want. And they include Republican Party Chairman, Josh McKoon, executing the role of party chair in dual capacity as a Kemp appointed general counsel, representing the authority of the governor as Kemp’s fiduciary.
That said, the 2023 Georgia Republican Party convention did not go completely as Kemp had hoped. At the convention, the Kemp-supporting Uniparty nominating committee’s slate of preferred candidates was decimated. Two Kemp irritants, Brian Pritchard and David Cross, defeated the puppeteer’s choices for 1st and 2nd vice chair positions, becoming the 2nd and 3rd highest ranking officers in the party. To add insult to injury, not only do both Pritchard and Cross support Donald Trump in 2024 and maintain that Donald Trump won the 2020 election, but they were also elected to their positions ON THAT ISSUE and on a platform of restoring election integrity in Georgia. Furthermore, both Pritchard and Cross maintain that Governor Brian Kemp erroneously certified the 2020 presidential election to Congress. And every morning at 8 AM, five days a week, along with every other chance he gets, elected Georgia Republican Party 1st Vice Chairman Brian Pritchard denies Governor Brian Kemp the chance to rewrite the past when he declares to his listeners, “I am a Donald Trump supporter and the 2020 election was stolen.”
Governor Brian Kemp, the true head of the Georgia Republican Party by virtue of remote controlling party chair McKoon, needs Pritchard and Cross gone. And to fulfill the governor’s first purpose, two weeks ago Chairman McKoon responded to Kemp’s desire, making the removal of Pritchard a priority initiative, setting the party apparatus in motion to complete that task, and posting on his Facebook page the following message:
Thus, after ten months of daily reminders from Brian Pritchard that Governor Brian Kemp certified a fraudulent election, which is obviously true and everyone knows it, as I reported two weeks ago, it appears the Georgia Governor and his establishment Uniparty henchpersons on the Republican Executive Committee, have plotted a scheme to justify ousting the 1st vice chair. They are planning to remove Brian Pritchard from his elected post on May 10th. They are promoting the reason that between 15-20 years ago Pritchard voted in Georgia while ostensibly on parole for a conviction regarding an incident occurring almost 30 years ago in Pennsylvania.
Plot to Take Down Pritchard Hatched Immediately After Columbus Convention
The establishment Uniparty has been working toward Pritchard’s ouster since the moment he was declared the Columbus convention winner. Uniparty Deputy Associate Assistant to the Assistant Propaganda Minister, Jason Shepherd, writing for the Peach Pundit, regurgitated the already well-known Pritchard allegations in an article published the following week, calling for Pritchard’s immediate resignation even before the new executive board could meet, offering as his reason the very same narrative McKoon is using today, the disinformation specialist concluding his remarks:
The Pritchard “illegal voting” allegations reference a time frame many years ago, and were public long before the Ellijay-based webcaster ran for the 1st vice chair seat. Pritchard won the seat despite the convention’s knowledge of those allegations. But now, Kemp puppet and figurehead of the Georgia Republican Party, Josh McKoon, has resurrected the same story in an attempt to finally rid his boss of daily public embarrassments arising from the party’s 2nd highest officer reminding anyone who listens that Kemp certified a fraudulent election. The almost 30-year old story on which Kemp-puppet McKoon attempts Pritchard’s excommunication from party leadership, is old, settled news. The only new news has been a recent administrative judge’s ruling levying Pritchard a fine. But the administrative judge works for the Georgia State Election Board, the same body that oversaw the fraudulent 2020 election to which Pritchard refers each morning. Do you think there might be an axe to grind by the Georgia Election Board? This is how the game is played, friends. We should be wise to it.
Josh McKoon Has No Interest in Justice in the Matter of Brian Pritchard
But, OK, fine. Let’s assume every allegation against Pritchard is true, and relevant, whether it is or not. Let’s assume that Brian Pritchard signed up to vote 20 years ago KNOWING HE WAS NOT ELIGIBLE. Even if that charge were true, we can certify today that the effort to remove Brian Pritchard from his 1st vice chair post has NOTHING TO DO WITH THOSE CIRCUMSTANCES AND ARE 100% POLITICALLY MOTIVATED. We know that without question by comparing the manner Josh McKoon has dealt with the case of Brian Pritchard, duly elected to his post by a statewide convention of grassroots Republicans, against the manner McKoon has dealt with another case, that of Joel Natt, unlawfully appointed to Forsyth County’s Board of Registrations and Elections (BRE), possibly even three times, before anyone noticed.
A year ago, as I have written in numerous Substack articles, when the newly-elected Forsyth County Republican Party Executive Committee took office, and discovered the unlawful appointment of Natt, Josh McKoon went AWOL, nowhere to be found. Although Josh McKoon privately expressed deep concern to the new county chairperson on the phone, in Natt’s case McKoon cared not one bit about following the law. As I wrote at the top, the politicians about whom I write are ACTORS. Josh McKoon is an ACTOR. Actors act. They are not sincere. One cannot count on ACTORS when the chips are down. Actors will act however the play director instructs. Tom Cruise does not fly Navy jet fighters and Josh McKoon does not support Donald Trump. Both are actors. And in McKoon’s movie, the film director is his boss, Governor Brian Kemp. Kemp wanted the establishment Uniparty favorite Joel Natt in that BRE seat. Natt is now in the seat, the law be damned. Kemp now wants Brian Pritchard out, Kemp’s cast of actors, including plot antagonist Josh McKoon, are attempting to move the party to make that happen. Kemp needs Joel Natt in office the same reason he needs Brian Pritchard out of office. Natt will do what he is told and Pritchard will not, and will report on being told what to do to his audience.
In keeping with what we now understand to be Josh McKoon’s motivations, Brian Pritchard recently revealed an excerpt from a personal conversation had with McKoon, in which the chairman informed the 1st vice chair that McKoon “will never allow anything to ruin [his] relationship with Governor Kemp.” Do we doubt McKoon said that? We shouldn’t. Should Josh McKoon ruin his relationship with the governor, the then former TCSG General Counsel would find himself out of the limelight, and on the street chasing ambulances.
In the case of the unlawful appointment of Joel Natt, appearing to be concerned, Josh McKoon dispatched emissaries to meet with the newly-elected Forsyth GOP chairperson who brought the issue to him, she expecting McKoon would naturally want to help. McKoon’s emissaries attended a meeting between the local party chairperson and the Forsyth County Commission. Inexplicably, Kemp’s House Floor Leader Lauren McDonald, and a private individual who had nothing to do with the circumstances, but who is known to have close ties to Secretary of State Raffensperger, also attended. How did those two even know about the meeting unless asked to be there to report back?
That meeting, however, was for show. Remember, “Actors act.” These individuals are all actors in a perpetual drama. McKoon had no interest in removing the establishment Uniparty, Kemp-choice for the Forsyth County BRE seat. Thus, in the end, promises were made and never kept, meetings were discontinued or cancelled, Natt’s appointment was never reversed, never nullified, time ran out, and even though the precious law governing the appointment of BRE members was never followed, Josh McKoon cared not a bit to seek justice when it was Kemp’s man in the hot seat. We should now understand why the state Republican Chair had so little interest or involvement in the Natt case. In the case of Joel Natt, the establishment Uniparty candidate for the Forsyth County Board of Registrations and Elections, apparently unlawfully appointed as many as three times, unlike Pritchard, received a free pass from Georgia Republican Party Chair Josh McKoon, and remains in office today, ironically, having sworn an oath to “uphold the law” apparently violating his oath before lowering his right hand.
At any time along the way, had Josh McKoon been interested in justice, or even appearances, or certainly following the law, the state party chair could have, and would have, used the influence of his position to change the BRE outcome and seat a lawfully-appointed board of elections member instead. Had the county commission refused McKoon, the party chairman could have, and would have exerted pressure on Natt himself to withdraw, the same way he is presently exerting pressure against Brian Pritchard. Given pressure from the party, Natt would have been forced out. Furthermore, even had all such remedies been exhausted, had all dealings with the governor been square, McKoon could have, and would have asked the governor to intervene on the side of following the law. None of that would happen, however, because Natt is Kemp’s establishment, Uniparty choice. Had Josh McKoon rattled his boss’s cage for the sake of following the law in the Natt case, McKoon would have placed his own governor’s appointment in jeopardy. His fiduciary responsibility would not allow that to occur. That is how political puppetry works.
Kemp wanted the establishment Uniparty favorite Joel Natt in that BRE seat. Natt is now in the seat, the law be damned. Kemp now wants Brian Pritchard out, Kemp’s cast of actors, including plot antagonist Josh McKoon, are attempting to move the party to make that happen. Kemp needs Joel Natt in office the same reason he needs Brian Pritchard out of office. Natt will do what he is told and Pritchard will not, and will report on being told what to do to his audience.
Pritchard Case Officially Closed 7 Years Ago, While Natt Litigation Persists with Crucial 2024 Election Bearing Down
In 2017, the Georgia Pardons and Parole Board concluded that Brian Pritchard has the lawful right to vote. The Pritchard case has since been over and no one was harmed. Contrast Pritchard’s case with that of Joel Natt, a present day case in which an unlawful occupation of the Forsyth County Board of Elections seat remains in litigation during the lead-up to the crucial 2024 presidential election. Kemp does not want another presidency for Donald Trump. Joel Natt is Kemp’s choice supervising elections in Forsyth County. Thus, McKoon remains silent on Natt, while he schedules a vote to remove Pritchard. By now, one should recognize how the plot to take down Brian Pritchard has been orchestrated to please the occupant of the highest elected office in Georgia.
So, say what you want about Josh McKoon’s chairmanship, the true head of the Georgia Republican Party, via remote control, is Governor Brian Kemp. And the last thing the true head of the Georgia Republican Party wants is for: (1) the 2020 presidential election to remain under a cloud of suspicion, and (2) Donald Trump to win the presidential election in 2024. And whatever the true head of the party, Brian Kemp, wants, one can be sure his well-paid puppet appointees also want. And they include Republican Party Chairman, Josh McKoon, executing the role of party chair in dual capacity as a Kemp appointed general counsel, representing the governor as Kemp’s fiduciary under his very job title.
And by the way, where was Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeting for Joel Natt to step down as she did Brian Pritchard? Where was the worldwide press, as far away as Singapore, running stories demanding Joel Natt to resign from his unlawful Forsyth County appointment, similarly as they demanded against Brian Pritchard? Why hasn’t every wannabe, aspiring, establishment politician like Kandiss “I don’t lie” Taylor, and other recognizable names, come out vocally against this same unlawful Natt appointment, as so many have against Brian Pritchard? Obviously, doing so is not written in the Uniparty script, a screenplay conceived behind closed doors within the walls of Brian Kemp Studios.
Undue Pressure on State Committee Members to Oust Brian Pritchard
Last week, I heard live testimony from a State Committee member who will be voting in the matter of removing Brian Pritchard from his DULY ELECTED OFFICE. I do not know how this individual will vote; however, I do understand the intense pressure and threats of punishment being unleashed to gain this person’s vote to oust the 1st vice chair. Why such intense pressure to remove Pritchard from his post, especially when the allegations being used to justify his removal were public knowledge prior to his election and settled by Georgia Pardons and Paroles seven years ago? Why not just allow State Committee members to educate themselves, assess the situation and vote the way they see things?
The answer to those questions is that there is much MONEY and POWER behind the plot to take down Pritchard. How else would people in Singapore be reading about an obscure individual a world away, previously unknown to them, answering to the name, ‘Brian Pritchard,’ within a few moments of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s tweet demanding his resignation? I think you see what is going on here. The plot to take down Brian Pritchard from his DULY ELECTED office as 1st Vice Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party is an old fashioned railroad job, a Pelosi-styled wrap-up smear campaign. Should the Georgia Republican State Committee vote to remove Brian Pritchard, they would only prove to those Georgians they represent that any semblance of the democratic processes vital to the continued viability of the American Republic, will have been tossed on the ash heap of lost ideals this nation was founded on. I urge those voting to not shoulder the burden of this decision alone. I urge them to seek guidance from rank and file Republican voters in the districts they represent, especially delegates to last June’s convention. That is what republicanism is all about. I also urge rank and file Republicans to contact their State Committee members and provide counsel to ensure their opinions are represented during the May 10th vote.
Do The Right Thing
The removal of a duly-elected officer of the Georgia Republican Party should not be done in haste, or without weighty deliberation. Viewed as a microcosm of similar events leading America to the brink of collapse, the fate of Georgia, and perhaps our nation, hangs in the balance on these kinds of deliberations. I urge State Committee members to choose wisely and err on the side of true conservatism.
All members of the Despicable Underground Uniparty need to be identified, expelled from the Republican Party, and banished from the party for life!
THANK YOU!!! I've been aware of many of the truths told here, but you laid it out like nobody else can. You brought the receipts; signed, witnessed and stamped! Well done. We're so appreciative Hank.