The Plot to Take Down Pritchard, Part 6 ...'With a Red Hot Poker'
The Ruling Class Circles Wagons to Protects Itself from the People
In Part 6 of The Plot to Take Down Pritchard, I’m going to look at the judge who wrote the so-called, “judicial finding” an expression used by Georgia Republican Party Chairman Josh McKoon in an attempt to justify removing party 1st Vice Chairman Brian Pritchard from his DULY ELECTED OFFICE. But before I get started, please, do not beginning your journey of understanding with this episode. If you do, you will be lost. In my previous five Substacks in this series, I have given you the facts and circumstances, and the analysis necessary to understand the manner in which Republican Party Chairman Josh McKoon, aided by numerous others, has been planning for many months to remove the Trump-supporting, Ellijay-based political webcaster, Brian Pritchard, from office. Pritchard’s crime is simply telling the truth. The Uniparty, the Georgia Ruling Class, does not like that. Governor Brian Kemp does not like his party’s 1st vice chairman daily reminding listeners that the governor certified a fraudulent election. And that is the truth Brian Pritchard opens up expressing each morning, five days a week, on his conservative, Trump-supporting webcast. Because Josh McKoon owes his livelihood to Brian Kemp, McKoon does what his boss says, or risks making the governor as mad as Pritchard does. That’s the equation. If McKoon’s boss says Brian Pritchard must go, it is McKoon’s job to make that happen. Josh McKoon works at the pleasure of Brian Kemp. There is no denying that.
But Republican Party Chairman McKoon can’t just wave his hand to get rid of Pritchard. To remove Brian Pritchard from the State Republican Executive Committee, McKoon must offer a reasonable explanation and have the public, including the State Committee, buy it. Enter Lisa Boggs, Administrative Judge employed by the Office of State Administrative Hearings (OSAH). Lisa Boggs is the individual filling the roll of providing Josh McKoon the justification he needs to vanquish Pritchard.
The Boggs Decision
Now, politically, Josh McKoon would like you to believe that Lisa Boggs is a judge, in the classic sense of the term, who issued a document McKoon refers below as a, “judicial finding.” He wrote that on his Facebook page when he advised the world that he was seeking Pritchard’s resignation.
Selecting that term, “judicial finding,” Josh McKoon implies this was a case before the Georgia courts. He would like you to believe the document Lisa Boggs authored is a product of the judicial branch of Georgia Government, as if the Pritchard case involved a criminal offense. It did not. The question before Lisa Boggs was to determine whether Brian Pritchard committed an “administrative offense,” much less severe in nature than any criminal offense. Furthermore, Lisa Boggs does not write “judicial findings.” She does not write “judicial opinions.” In fact, Lisa Boggs does not write anything using the authority normally equated with the term, “judicial.” The law governing the work of Lisa Boggs only uses the term, “judicial” when it is conceivably Lisa Boggs’ work that may come under “judicial review” by real Georgia Courts, presided by real, ELECTED, judges in the judicial branch of Georgia Government. An aggrieved party can take Ms. Boggs work to superior court in the real Georgia court system, and have a real judge, elected by the people, review it to verify its correctness. Apparently, that is what Brian Pritchard has chosen to do, but it takes time. As you see below, Lisa Boggs authored a mere “initial decision.” She is not an elected judge. She is appointed, just like her boss, Chief Administrative Judge Michael Milihi, who was re-appointed in 2021 by his long-time political friend and ally, Governor Brian Kemp.

Judges Appointed By Brian Kemp
Now, I am not writing to demean Ms. Boggs. I am writing to show you the dishonesty of Josh McKoon, and the actual level of authority of what what might be termed an “initial decision” in the case of Brian Pritchard, versus what Chairman McKoon, an attorney who should therefore know better, claims to be a “judicial finding,” a term he uses to plant high degrees of seriousness to any offense of Pritchard, in the public mind.
Michael Malihi was RE-APPOINTED by GOVERNOR BRIAN KEMP to his position in February 2021.

Ms. Boggs was APPOINTED to her position in 2021 by Chief Administrative Judge Malihi.

So, here we have two characters in this drama, Josh McKoon and Lisa Boggs, both who figure prominently in the plot, and both who were appointed by direct Kemp appointees, and both who are one-step away from being direct appointees of Brian Kemp.
Kemp and Malihi Go Way Back- The Obama Birth Certificate Case
But the Kemp direct re-appointment of Michael Milihi should not be a surprise. The two have a long history together. Twelve years ago, in 2012, Michael Malihi worked under Governor Nathan Deal in the capacity of Deputy Chief Administrative Judge. At that time, Brian Kemp held the elected office of Georgia Secretary of State. In his capacity, Malihi received an interesting case referral from Kemp. During that time, many will remember, President Barack Obama was running for a second term, and his eligibility to do so, based upon birth, was place into question in several states, one being Georgia. As it turns out Michael Milihi, Lisa Boggs present boss, would be the administrative judge Brian Kemp would select to hear the case.
In 2011, the White House had reluctantly published a copy of a birth certificate for an infant purportedly born in Hawaii in 1960 carrying the name “Barack Hussein Obama.” Upon examination, however, it turns out the certificate was a forgery, and a fraud, and I’m not just saying that. Neither the press, nor any state in the union, however, would acknowledge its falsity. At the time, I downloading the fake Barack Obama birth certificate to examine it myself. I made the following video of my discoveries, which anyone with Photoshop could do. Here is my 12-year old video:
What I show you in the video is the same fake birth certificate, downloaded from, presented during the hearing to Administrative Judge Michael Milihi. That hearing would be held January 26, 2012. Appearing tough-minded toward the president’s case, three days prior to the hearing, Milihi turned down Obama’s attorney’s motion to dismiss. On January 25, Secretary of State Brian Kemp followed suit, denying Obama’s attorney’s request to stop the next-day proceedings, Kemp displaying highly-publicized determination to seek justice. In their request to Kemp, Obama’s attorneys informed both the Secretary of State and presiding Judge Milihi that Barack Obama would neither be present nor represented during the hearing. Kemp’s answer to Obama’s attorneys warned of dire consequences for the president should he choose not to participate, expressing that Obama’s decision would be “at his own peril.”
Now, how many times have I warned not to trust what politicians say, only what they do. People understand that, but there appears to be something about the spoken word that convinces them that what they hear with the ear is truthful, even knowing intellectually it is not. To that point, in my first article in this series, I offered a prime example of Brian Kemp talking “tough-talk” on illegal immigration, but then failing miserably to live up to his rhetoric once elected. The results of the 2012 Obama hearing would be no different. True to their word, the president’s attorneys did not show up. Therefore, no defense to the charges was ever offered. Normally, that would bring about a lawful assumption of truthfulness to the allegations. The fraudulent birth certificate you see in my 12-year-old video came into evidence. Obama’s attorneys were never required to answer to the fact of the fraudulent document pushed out by the White House. Of course, that was by design because there is no defense. Had Obama’s attorneys shown up, they would be forced to lie. They could go to prison for that and chose to stay home.
But none of that mattered, as the following week Michael Milihi recommended Kemp leave Obama on the ballot, writing, "The Court finds the testimony of the witnesses, as well as the exhibits tendered, to be of little, if any, probative value, and thus wholly insufficient to support plaintiffs’ allegations." Tough talk notwithstanding, Judge Malihi handed Secretary of State Brian Kemp his escape. Just like he received from Secretary of State Raffensperger in 2020, Brian Kemp had a scapegoat, that time, Michael Milihi, the Deputy Chief Administrative Judge who would be the one receiving all the criticism. In merely accepting Milihi’s recommendation three days later, Kemp’s hands remained clean.
And Milihi did receive heat for his apparent bending to pressure. One criticism came at him from constitutional attorney Mario Appuzzo, whose stinging dissenting rebuke can be found here.
Establishment propagandists quickly came to Milihi’s defense, offering that to do otherwise would be to accept the word of “conspiracy theorists.”
Georgia Administrative Law Associate Judge Milihi’s job was done. Despite the evidence of fraud on the part of those creating the birth certificate, never explained by Obama’s attorneys, Barack Obama won Milihi’s decision without even showing up. Brian Kemp was off the hook, and hardly anyone today would remember the name of Michael Milihi and his involvement in the case. Had Brian Kemp no scapegoat in this matter, it is doubtful he could have won the governorship in 2018, and he would not have received Donald Trump’s endorsement. That is how the ruling class does things.
In the case of the Barack Obama fake birth certificate, it is doubtful Michael Milihi had much of a choice in deciding to recommend Obama to remain on the Georgia presidential ballot. In 2012, Michael Milihi occupied the same position Lisa Boggs occupies today. Milihi, then, and Boggs, now, was and are, respectively, appointees one step removed from the Governor. Do we imagine that Michael Milihi wrote his decision in a vacuum, uninfluenced by the power over his future exercised by Governor Nathan Deal, or the wishes of Secretary of State Brian Kemp, in the monumental question whether Barack Obama would actually be removed from the Georgia ballot? No, that would be inconceivable for Michael Milihi to decide contrary to the will of the Secretary of State and the Governor on such a weighty matter.
Yet, in the case of Brian Pritchard, a mere private citizen, essentially powerless in front of ruling class actors at work in these events, being judged by an individual, Lisa Boggs, occupying the very same office as Milihi in 2012, we are supposed to believe she wrote her decision in a vacuum, unaffected by the power and will of her immediate boss, unaffected by the power over her future that could be exercised by his boss, the Governor of Georgia, the very same Brian Kemp, who Boggs’ immediate boss, Milihi, saved from a perilous political outcome 12 years ago? Nothing to write about here, folks, right?
The People Versus the Ruling Class
Friends, we are dealing with a ruling class here, the Uniparty. They do what they are told by those who have power over their futures. And that truth even applies to the governor. That is how this works. In a world with a ruling class, nothing is left to chance. The people outnumber the ruling class 300 million to 1. Do you see why the element of plausible deniability is so important to our rulers? Do you see how the practice of always having a willing political scapegoat is so vital? They are afraid of losing control.
And at the very bottom of the totem pole of political power in our state and nation is each individual citizen like you and me, like Brian Pritchard, like David Cross and Susan Opraseuth, who once elected by the people dare to speak truth to power. The day of reckoning in the case of Brian Pritchard is steadily approaching. May 10th is less than 2 weeks away. The ruling class wants you to be silent. If you remain silent, you better stock up on Preparation H. That is because they are preparing to stick you with a red-hot poker and dare you to whimper.
You Have the Power-Use it
If you are a member of your local district, county or municipal Republican Party, or if you are a member of the Georgia Republican Party, you have representatives on the Georgia Republican State Committee. Josh McKoon and his Uniparty, Kemp-supporting accomplices on the State Executive Committee, and their operatives around the state, do not want you to have access to those names or contact information. They have hidden it from even the State Committee members themselves. Knowledge in their hands is dangerous to the Uniparty. But you are entitled to that information under state law GA Code § 21-2-110(a)(5). Members of the State Committee are PUBLIC INFORMATION AND FILED WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE. So, do not let them fool you. I urge you to find out who your State Committee members are and contact them urging each to VOTE NO on the removal of DULY-ELECTED FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN OF THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN PARTY, BRIAN PRITCHARD.
This Substack represents professional and serious investigative journalism. Excellent work by Sullivan.
Compelling. Well written. Part 6 brings a new element into view, shines a light in a dark place.