Syria Pullout Explained
Last week President Trump announced an impending pullout of American forces from Syria. Now recall, the only supposed reason for US boots in Syria has been to fight ISIS. But ISIS is now destroyed. Even so, members of both parties in Congress, and the MSM are in a dither because of the pullout. Obviously, the purpose those ditherers had for US boots in Syria was not simply to fight ISIS. So to understand what this is really all about, let’s take a thumbnail retrospect of the last 20 years of US involvement in Iraq and Syria.

Toyota battlewagons do not occur naturally in the desert

In 1999, the European Central Bank introduced the Eurodollar to compete with the US (Federal Reserve) dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Shortly thereafter, in 2000 Saddam Hussein declared Iraq would no longer take US dollars for oil, opting instead for Euros. Predictably, soon allegations of weapons of mass destruction against Saddam appeared throughout American MSM and began rolling off the tongues of US politicians. In September, 2001, three planes hijacked by 17 Saudis and an Egyptian, toppled buildings murdering over 3000 people on American soil. In his response, however, in March 2003, rather than attacking the Saudis who obviously played some part in the attacks, President GW Bush attacked Saddam in Iraq, whose only offense had been his decision against taking dollars for oil. The war over quickly, a US/British occupation of Iraq began. In December 2003, to restore control by the Federal Reserve banks over the riches of Iraq, Bush granted rights to JP Morgan to establish a new dollar-based international trade bank. Is this picture developing?

Between 2003 and 2007, Bush’ provisional government passed a new Iraq Constitution, requiring Iraq to operate an independent central bank under the western central banking cartel, rather than a national bank, owned by the people of Iraq.
In 2007, Bush proposed a new “Iraq Oil Law” which would privatize the oil fields of Iraq for the benefit of western oil interests, paying the Iraqi people pennies on the dollar for their oil. The Iraq Parliament, however, defied Bush and rejected the privatization of their oil fields, voting Bush’s Oil Law down. That was strike 1.

In 2011, the Iraq Supreme Court defied Bush’s constitution declaring that an independent central bank was unconstitutional, thus preventing the western banking cartel from extracting Iraqi oil using mere dollars printed from the air. That was strike 2.

Later that year, the Iraq Government refused to extend a status-of-forces agreement, forcing President Obama and British PM Gordon Brown to pack up occupying US/British forces and leave Iraq. That was strike 3.

Barack Obama's and Hillary Clinton's goal with ISIS
Now Syria has long been an ally of Russia, and it is situated smack-dab between US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar to the South, and the European energy market to the north. Syrian President Bashar Assad has carried three strikes for a while, steadfastly denying the use of Syrian lands to carry Saudi and Qatari energy products by pipeline to Europe, and barring the use of US dollars within Syrian borders. Russia has been piping energy to Europe through Ukraine for many years. But that is a story for another day.

By March of 2013, European press reported that the US had been training anti-Syrian Government mercenary fighters in Eastern Jordan. Training complete, in December, those forces divided, each division crossing Jordan’s borders to the North and East into Syria and Iraq, respectively. Commanding western-made, battle-ready pickup trucks, equipped with western 50-cal machine guns and other weapons, those mercenaries launched an all-out, deadly assault on the peoples of Syria and Iraq. Obviously, frustrated by an inability to bend the governments of Syria and Iraq to his will, US President Barack Obama, together with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, using forces comprised of Islamic mercenaries the world would soon call “ISIS,” funded, trained and launched an invasion of Iraq and Syria, the purpose being to force those governments out, and thus enable western multi-national corporations to own, control and transport Iraqi, Saudi and Qatari energy products to Europe.
During the 2016 presidential campaign, candidate Donald Trump dared to speak the truth about Obama and Clinton. Quoting Trump during a campaign appearance, “She (Hillary Clinton) and Barack Obama unleashed ISIS across the world. Whether you like it or don’t like it, whether you want to hear it or don’t, that’s what happened.”

And the American People Believed All This
Now I watch this stuff pretty closely and figured the truth soon after it happened. I handed what I knew to both Forsyth County Congressmen Rob Woodall and Doug Collins, leaving it with their office personnel. Neither responded. Later, I confronted Woodall at a local Tea Party meeting at which the 7th District Congressman let the attendees know that “we,” the American people, were complicit with the actions of President Obama, even war crimes I suppose.
So that brings us back to the ditherers in Congress and the MSM. The globalists among them are very unhappy ISIS is destroyed and Trump is bringing home the troops. They say ISIS might come back… sure it will. And what about the human rights abuses associated with unleashing ISIS on the world? Remember Executive Order 13818 targeting human rights abusers I’ve written about? Trump just renewed it. And EO 13825, opening the door for qualified civilians to conduct military tribunals? It takes effect on January 1, 2019. That sounds like a good job for a former attorney general and couple of retired 4-star generals to me.
Trump keeps his promises. Now you know the rest of the story.