Suspense Builds, Clinton Investigations Complete?
If you follow this column, you may remember an article I wrote last January entitled, “Trump Declares National Emergency, MSM Ignores.” In that article I informed you that one month earlier, on December 21, 2017, President Trump signed an executive order declaring a national state of emergency. That executive order is one based on a finding that, “serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world” constitute an “unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States.” And for that reason, President Trump invoked certain powers granted by Congress to deal with emergencies, powers that give him an array of tools to manage the circumstances the order describes.
While Trump’s order, which remains in effect, does not specifically state what those threats may be, it does say that they are significant and endanger not only the “foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies,” but importantly, “the financial system of the United States.” Been watching the stock market lately?
Among the tools the order grants the President are certain powers to freeze assets of individuals and their associates involved in the activities giving rise to the threats Trump identified.

And in that same January article, I indicated the likelihood that President Trump’s order would empower the US Department of Justice to investigate and ultimately press charges against Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative and various individuals associated with those parties and entities.
Subsequently, in June, in my article entitled, “Fat Lady to Sing Soon,” I wrote of over 25,000 federal sealed indictments, from all areas of the country, many of which were likely to result from a mammoth investigation set in motion just about a year ago now by former US Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. At that time, I let you know that the lead investigator in this effort was Utah US Attorney John Huber, who according to Sessions last Spring has been working alongside Justice Department Inspector General Horowitz and a team of 470 investigating attorneys since October 2017. Their assigned task has been to determine the extent of any investigation improprieties within the Department of Justice and the FBI with regard to Hillary Clinton’s emails and possible FISA abuse. Obviously, any investigation of that scope would also involve the content of Clinton’s emails themselves and any trails those emails might open. Now, five months after that article published, I can report that the number of federal sealed indictments around the country has exploded to over 68,000, increasing at a clip of nearly 9,000 each month.
Now last week, recall that former FBI Director Comey testified in closed session to the Republican-led House Oversight Committee. According to the transcript, the former director failed to answer 245 times on matters germane to the knowledge of an FBI Director. Comey is expected to testify one more time, perhaps this time under oath, to the Oversight Committee before the end of this legislative session.

Lead Clinton Investigating Attorney John Huber
On the heels of Comey’s testimony, investigative reporter John Solomon wrote in The Hill that Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have turned in over 6,000 pages of evidence of potential wrong-doing by the Clintons, including the co-mingling of funds for personal use and “quid pro quo” promises made by Hillary Clinton to prospective donors while she was Secretary of State. We also learned that Huber’s team of investigators requested files compiled by a private firm called MDA Analytics, LLC, which is staffed by former federal criminal investigators, their purpose to examine wrong-doing at the Clinton Foundation and its subsidiaries. Because this is a private firm, normal rules of reporting to government agencies have never applied. Thus, the possibility of leaks has been minimized.
In the meantime, the Robert Mueller, Trump-Russia collusion witch hunt has only two primary witnesses, both of whom Mueller himself has branded as liars, and neither of whom, after all this time, can offer a meaningful connection between President Trump and anything Russian. The best Mueller has been able to do is to shoot for an inside straight-flush by somehow connecting the President to violating campaign finance regulations, having paid certain amounts to two women for non-disclosure agreements, alleging doing so was, “to change the outcome of the election.” When one looks at the obscure facts Mueller is being forced to dredge up in order to try to pin anything at all on Trump, and compare those to the mountains of evidence Trump obviously has on the entire lot of deep-staters, the Clintons, Comey, Lynch, the entire former upper staffs of the FBI and DOJ, and Mueller himself for Uranium One involvement, and when you note the mindboggling number of unsealed federal indictments on the books, even the most ardent Trump detractor should recognize that a tsunami of arrests, trials and convictions involving the deep state is imminent.
And so, by the time you read this, US Attorney John Huber, and we are told several Clinton Foundation whistleblowers, will have already testified before the House Oversight Committee. That Huber is now being called to give open testimony before Congress is an indication that the work Jeff Sessions commissioned him and his team to perform over a year ago is now complete or practically so. It is also an indication of the role Trump assigned to Jeff Sessions, virtually the entire case against these deep-state players, and tens of thousands of sealed indictments happening under his watchful eye. It appears we now begin the next phase of restoring the American republic.