Storm is at the Door
In last week’s article entitled, “It’s Payback Time,” I recalled growing up in “Camelot” prior to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Afterward, even from my 8-year-old perspective, the world changed, for the worse. People I knew changed for the worse. The trajectory of world events changed for the worse. As America mourned, the outlook for peace in the world retreated, practically abandoned.

As his fate approached, JFK decided to pull US advisors out of Vietnam, sent there by Eisenhower. Doing so would have prevented an eventual military involvement that would leave 58,000 Americans dead, their names carved in consolation on a wall in DC, countless US casualties, American families irrevocably broken, not to mention millions of enemy victims.
Five months prior to his assassination, JFK ordered the US Treasury Department to begin abandoning the policy of borrowing Federal Reserve currency to pay the bills of the US government. On June 4th 1963, Kennedy exercised an option available to Presidents before and since, to create national currency in-house, at the US Treasury Department, at zero interest expense, the goal being to restore rightful Constitutional powers to issue the people’s money supply. Kennedy’s Executive order was number 11110, no coincidence his murder taking place on 11-22.
A decade later, as President Nixon edged toward ending the Vietnam war, hoping to achieve “peace with honor,” the US had racked up a monumental war debt, one that exceeded its ability to pay under the existing Bretton-Woods gold standard, which pegged the dollar at $35/oz. Foreign nations such as France, who received large quantities of dollars in trade, recognized that the US government was borrowing and spending at bankrupting rates, making dollars worth far less than the peg. France demanded gold instead.
Now whether the US Government actually possessed the gold it purported at the time, or even today, in August of 1971 Nixon unilaterally closed the gold window to foreign creditors, effectively ending the 1944 agreement. According to Nixon, doing so was only a temporary measure brought on by increased activity by “money speculators.” 47 years later the window remains closed.
Soon, as the non-convertibility of dollars into gold affected world markets, Bretton-Woods nations wondered why they should hold depreciating dollars to use in international trade. They began dumping US currency, causing severe devaluation of the US dollar, eventual 12% inflation rates and 21% interest rates under Jimmy Carter, stalling the Carter economy and bringing about a condition Carter would call, “malaise,” blaming the American people for his economic woes.
Understanding the need to solidify the value of the dollar, previously, in 1974 President Ford’s Secretary of State Henry Kissinger sat down with the world’s largest producer of oil, Saudi Arabia, and carved out the petrodollar agreement, creating an economic relationship that would shape world events for decades. In exchange for US protection, the Saudis agreed to take only US dollars for oil. And importantly, the Saudis also agreed to bank on Wall Street, the agreement thereby creating a class of private financial stakeholders. By 1976 all OPEC nations agreed to the deal, the result being that if nations of the world desired to purchase OPEC oil, they would need to hold US dollars in reserve, an agreement which has since maintained the dollar’s value as the world’s trading currency.
Carter would lose to Reagan. Reagan would choose Bush Sr. as VP. Bush would succeed Reagan. Soon the collapse of the Soviet Union ripened an opportunity for Bush to instate a coercive, hegemonic foreign policy, one based on the control of currency around the world, a policy known today as “globalism.” That policy held together through the administrations of Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama. The expression Bush Sr. used to describe globalism, and which became a term echoed by presidents and world leaders since, was, “New World Order.”
The NWO concept is simply the revitalization of the British-Dutch colonial system. It bribes or coerces national leaders to accept private currency, printed out of the air by western overlord banks, in exchange for real resources. That denomination becomes a nation’s domestic currency even though the nation does not issue or control it. As a result, nations who take the bait become colonies of the empire. It’s that simple. The New World Order, or globalism, is designed to fool the nations of the world into becoming colonies controlled by the private issuers of a worldwide currency. When colonies buck the system, their leaders are taken down by force, which is why Bush Jr. took down Saddam, why Obama and Hillary together took down Qaddafi and tried but failed with Assad in Syria.
The problem with any economic system in which currency is exclusively loaned at interest into circulation, especially by private banks, is that the system eventually crashes for lack of funds, which is what occurred in 2009. Therefore, the system’s controllers, who feed off war, inevitably rely on periodic global conflicts, such as World War II, as an excuse to reset the system. But to get their war this time Hillary Clinton had to win. Donald Trump, like JFK, has announced intentions of reaching peace among nations. His foreign policy is “Americanism” or “nationalism,” not “globalism.” In a nutshell, Trump is in the process of taking down the New World Order and the private central banking system that runs the world. They know that and are crazed. Last October, Trump stood among 22 US Generals and informed the press that what they were seeing was the “calm before the storm.” Well, friends, the storm is at the door.