I Hate to Say, But I told You So
For several years now, I have described the parties actually running the US Government in terms my parents would never have recognized. Expressions such as, “criminal,” “world class criminal,” or “world class liars,” have almost seem too tame to describe the kinds of behaviors I have studied these people to be involved in. For a long time, people, friends and family alike, thought I was at least over-the-top in my assessments. I have been called the usual, “conspiracy theorist.” And I remember one relative wrote, “If you are looking for it on the Internet, you’ll find it.” Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would hear about the black helicopters that are surely on the way to get me. Oh yes, I remember it all.
But that’s okay. I don’t hold it against anyone. After all, we have a right to expect that our government has not turned over to the dark side. We have a right to expect that the people we vote into office have our best interests at heart, and that they are not compromised by events or acts of their past that rogue intelligence services might someday attempt to exploit for private purposes. Yes, we as the American public have a right to expect that our government shall ever remain, “of, by and for the people.” But unfortunately, eventually, it just seems that this public right inevitably devolves into a public expectation that all is well, that we may all remain relaxed, trusting that those in government, while not perfectly executing the public purposes, at least try.

Well, I hate to say I told you so; but I told you so. I wish I had been wrong. But for as far back as you might choose to recall, criminal elements have been calling the most important shots in the US Government. Need we go back to the Kennedy assassination? Anybody still believe the story we were told? How about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, or lack thereof, which justified the deep US involvement in Vietnam, causing 58,000 American deaths, likely millions on the other side, and untold suffering for an entire generation of unappreciated returning Vietnam vets. And the suffering didn’t stop there. The costs of that war, begun on admitted false pretenses, are still being paid today. In order to create enough money to pay the war costs Nixon had to decouple the dollar from the gold standard. That allowed the Fed to loan out more dollars, devaluing the American currency, indebting the American people at the same time, and meant the dollar would float without a stable unit of measure to ground its value. That started the wild inflation of the 1970’s, which meant the dollar had to be coupled to something else, which turned out to be Saudi Oil. That meant that regardless what the Saudis might ever do, like take part in 9/11, the US Government would not be able to respond. To respond would mean decoupling the dollar from Saudi oil, which would mean the world would no longer need dollars and the world economy would descend into chaos. The narrative of effects of that one criminal act, going to war on false pretenses in Vietnam, will likely never end.

And now, would you just look at all that the criminals in our government have been involved in? There have been times I thought the Republicans were knee deep in sinister operations. But I truly do not see how any respectable individual might at this point identify as a Democrat. They may as well walk around in orange jump suits because there is just no difference anymore. There might be one or two Democrats in the US Senate, Joe Manchin of West Virginia comes to mind, who aren’t just obvious criminals against the American people.
And so, if you are a Democrat reading this…Wait, why would I even go there? If you are still a Democrat after all the Democrat Party has been doing to this country, then there is just nothing that I or anyone can say.
So why is all of this criminality at the highest levels of government finally being exposed? It is being exposed because finally an honest man is in the White House. Finally, we have a president who is working for the American people. Finally, we have a president who is unafraid, who cannot be bought, and whose strength derives from honest virtues rather than corrupt vices. Finally, we have a president whose knowledge and intellect can be paired with a pursuit of the public good, rather than the private advantage. And finally, we have a president who is spiritually in tune with the will of the one true God, as applied in America’s founding document, the Declaration of Independence.
Our founders knew the ancient Scriptures well. They had faith that an earthly nation following the will of God would be protected by divine Providence. That is what they wrote in their Declaration. That Declaration, based in truth that is self-evident, is the very foundation of American sovereignty. Think about that. That means that American authority cannot be used to lie, or for dishonest purposes. And that means that when the American people allow a dishonest government to take hold and remain, then unfortunately, America, the last, best hope of earth, will be gone forever.
I pray I do not have to say I told you so again.