History in the Making, Magic in the End
Remember last week I wrote, “Trump holds all the cards.” Now, as we await the results (as of this writing) of the supplemental FBI background check of US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the purpose of which, as I also documented last week, is simply a hail Mary attempt by the Democrats to postpone the confirmation vote as long as possible, a few observations might be appropriate.
The first observation is this: If Professor Ford really did not want her letter publicized, why did she send it to people desperate for political ammunition to fight the Kavanaugh nomination, people also known for leaking information? Secondly, only the people in receipt of her letter possessed it. And only those who possessed it, they being Senator Dianne Feinstein and Ford’s US House Representative, could have leaked it. But neither elected official will admit that they, or their offices, had anything to do with leaking the letter. Think about that. If two people are in an elevator, and one, say, “releases a floater,” as some call it, is there any question who did it? And so, one or both of the recipients of Ford’s letter, either Feinstein or the House Rep, not only leaked it to the press, but did so weeks after receiving it, holding it tightly during the interim, springing the contents the very eve of the scheduled Senate Judiciary Committee vote. And of course, once those contents were public, Senator Feinstein, who is looking gaunt at best, would be free to use those contents, even at such a late date, to further the Democrat’s primary objective, that being once again to prevent, stall, or postpone the Senate floor vote on Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation, hopefully beyond the mid-terms, still several weeks away. Do you not smell that?
And so, as of this writing, we await the FBI report to return. And while we wait, the unredacted FISA-related documents we recently discussed remain classified. Why doesn’t Trump act to move up declassification? Simple. First of all, when your adversaries dig a hole for themselves, and you have time to burn, best to sit back and watch. Time is on Trump’s side. How long does it take to assemble a Senate floor vote? About three days. When are the midterm elections? Five weeks. And who knows what the FBI might just come up with, which could be very embarrassing for the Democrats and/or their witnesses during the investigation?
Secondly, a future Supreme Court opinion may be necessary regarding those same documents. That opinion might regard the potential unrecusal of Attorney General Sessions, and very importantly, the dispensation of numerous treason and sedition cases resulting from all that is learned from the declassification.
Speaking of which, did you hear Senator Lindsey Graham’s line of questioning during the initial rounds of Kavanaugh hearings? Out of the blue, seemingly, Senator Graham began a probe of Judge Kavanaugh’s understanding of the difference between basic criminal law and “the Law of Armed Conflict.” Graham asked whether Americans who were suspected of treason (working with the enemy) or sedition (attempting to overthrow the government), might be justifiably classified as “enemy combatants,” thereby subject to military courts, rather than regular Federal or State Courts. Answering Graham’s question, Kavanaugh recalled the name of the Supreme Court case in which it was decided that those suspected of treason or sedition could be tried under the auspices of military tribunals. The Supreme Court nominee was very familiar with the particulars.
And then Graham asked whether certain individuals found guilty as enemy combatants in military courts, depending on the severity of their crimes, might even be put to death. Kavanaugh answered that they could be, citing that some have. Senator Graham ended his questioning describing a state of affairs likely to manifest after Kavanaugh would be confirmed onto the Supreme Court. Those within the US Government, and possibly elsewhere, who cooperated in an attempt to change the outcome of the 2016 election, aspiring to take the victory away from President Donald Trump, and award it to Hillary Clinton, or those who conspired afterward to manufacture a false set of facts designed to remove Donald Trump from the Presidency once inaugurated, would fall into one of those same two categories the high court might eventually be called to differentiate. A deadlocked 4-4 court, half of it feeling a connection with the conspirators, would not be able to decide such a question.
But a 5-4 majority in which a newly-confirmed Justice Brett Kavanaugh might sit, could ably and expeditiously decide on all questions regarding each case the Justice Department might asked it to review.
And so if you catch my drift here, individuals comprising the Deep State, a collection which likely includes numerous, desperate members of Congress, several of whom might even sit on the Senate Judiciary Committee, are in deep trouble and they know it. And that is why they are willing to take every extraordinary means necessary to prevent Brett Kavanaugh from taking his rightful seat, possibly for the next four decades, on the US Supreme Court.

We are watching history in the making. We should treat it like that. This is not politics as usual. We are approaching a hinge point in history. We are witnessing the rebirth of the United States of America, a new birth of freedom for one nation under God, as intended. Place your children in position to witness what is about to happen. Then they can explain it to theirs. The end will be magical.