Fighting America’s 2nd War for Independence
In a recent article I asked the question, whether the fat lady was about to sing. In that article I let you in on the fact that while Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has been running his Trump-Russia investigation, spearheaded by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Trump and Rosenstein’s boss, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, have been running their own special investigation, spearheaded by Utah Federal Prosecutor, John Huber. The MSM has been reticent to report on Huber. And so, fortunately, you have me.

Independence Hall Today-Symbol of American Revolution
And while the 13-month Mueller investigation has produced a smattering of minor indictments, none of which really have anything to do with President Trump or his successful 2016 presidential campaign, the Huber investigation, progressing now for 7 months, by all appearances is mounting record numbers of federal indictments, though presently sealed. While the Mueller team of 15-20 runs into roadblock after roadblock attempting to cobble together a case that somehow implicates Trump, the Huber team of 470 investigators and prosecutors, by all appearances, steamrolls through case after case, securing literally tens of thousands of indictments. We will not know the actual subjects of those indictments, or their true nature, until they are unsealed. But something big is happening in Utah.
Recall that over the past few months, no less than 16 top FBI/DOJ officials have been fired or otherwise removed from position. One-tenth of the US Congress, both houses and both parties, have resigned or decided against running for another term, all that while hundreds of multinational CEO’s have resigned, including the CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt. And so, in case you are wondering, this is what draining a swamp looks like.
Soon we will discover whether the American governmental institutions, set in place by our founders, remain strong enough to overcome an internal overthrow, orchestrated and engineered by a cabal of world elites and their criminal operatives. Those operatives took power so gradually and methodically that each new un-American policy, given time to normalize in the minds of the American public, occurred with little notice. During Obama’s turn at the wheel, however, the cabal, running out of time, or perhaps impatient, leaned too far forward and the American people began to wake up. Fortunately, while the cabal took control of the American government, the US military, although bound constitutionally to serve a civilian commander, never fell asleep. They saw what was happening, and in many ways resisted the cabal.
As a result, the cabal took to hiring private armies, even Islamic mercenaries with names like Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, and yes, ISIS, to fulfill geopolitical purposes. When the full story is told, and it will be, I expect we will discover that key patriots in the US military, along with others in military intelligence and the NSA, will have recruited Donald Trump to help them to legitimately restore the American republic. Trump, a patriot who never joined the cabal, is likely the only individual who could have defeated the cabal in a run for president, at least without conceding to cabal power.
And so, what we are seeing each day is a clash of titans—President Trump, knowledgeable American patriots, the US Military and military intelligence on one side, bent on defeating a most powerful foe, one which methodically took control of the US Government, destroying its institutions one by one, while few noticed, until it was almost too late to restore them.
The cabal could not have taken control of the US Government without means. All had to be paid for. The only parties with the financial wherewithal to accomplish such a feat would be those who ultimately control the western central banking system, the linchpin of which is the Federal Reserve, a private institution owned and operated for purposes of the cabal, and which retains power to issue American currency, and is unaccountable for what it does with it.
Using the control of currency and the banking system to syphon wealth from the American people for themselves, the cabal engineered a slowly dying economy, moved American jobs overseas, overran the borders with illegal immigrants, draining the US Treasury tasked with providing public assistance. They placed Americans against each other, each side blaming the other, and hired mercenary groups to foment discord and havoc among the people.
And so very soon, either the opponents of the slave master cabal, will arrest the further spread of its destruction, and punish those responsible, or the cabal will push its purposes forward, finally extinguishing any earthly chances of national recovery.

The most formidable weapon on the side of the patriots, and which has the power to defeat the cabal, is simply the truth. But the American people, many hopelessly brainwashed, must be able to recognize it when they see it. Preparing the mind to accept hard truth is difficult. To aid in that purpose is one reason I write these articles.
Fitting that this week we remember a passage of our founding declaration. It is the one which states, “when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.” That principle, embalmed in America’s founding document, is our charge of authority to fight against illegitimate government. It is our permission slip to fight this, a 2nd War for American Independence. Join the fight. Spread the truth. Win America back. Happy Independence Day, 2018…and many more.