Fat Lady to Sing Soon?
It’s just an expression, folks. Don’t get caught up in it. It is an expression asking whether a long trial or struggle is almost over. And we are getting there. On the one side of this struggle, we see President Trump consistently outlasting the attacks against him, while his attackers, one by one, die the eventual deaths of a thousand lies. It is a process by design, Trump design, one that allows his enemies to destroy themselves in front of the American people, while he lets them. The president could end it all with a signature or two. But why expend the time and political capital to vanquish foes who do a better job of vanquishing themselves? As they say, when your enemy digs a hole, hand him a shovel and stand back.

What we are witnessing with the Trump’s Tweets, his public statements, statements by Republican congressional leaders Nunes and Gowdy and others, and of course the IG report, is a marketing textbook on how to educate a basically disinterested and uninformed American population, capture their attention, and encourage them to stay tuned for each next shoe to drop. That simultaneously upsets Trump’s enemies and excites his base of support. Trump is making a veritable TV soap opera out of destroying the enemies of the American people. And while there are always pockets of support for bad guys, in this story the good guys will win and those pockets may never truly understand or grasp why they lost. We are watching history in Washington, DC. Victory in Europe and Japan were causes for celebration. But what is coming now is even more celebratory, Victory in America.
And the whole world is watching and reacting. Germany is fed up with their globalist government policies which have allowed dangerous migrants to take over their country and imperil their people. Britain is fed up with the same. Italy is throwing the globalist EU money men out of power. North Korea is joining the modern-day world of peaceful nations. The Iranian people are pushing for western reforms. The Chinese are facing more than they bargained for. George Soros is complaining of losing control, all because of Trump. These are historic days for America and the world. Enjoy them.
President Trump has a plan to take back our country from the globalists criminals who nearly destroyed it. And his plan is working.
Now last January, you might recall, I wrote an article entitled, “Trump Declares National Emergency, MSM Ignores.” Predictably, when I published that article, the Trump haters, skeptics and those who prefer fake MSM narratives to the truth, arose to discount the information I brought them, which anyone could easily confirm given an inclination.
Trump’s order conferred to the US State Department, partnering with the US Treasury, the tools to freeze assets of individuals and associates involved in “serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world,” giving rise to certain national threats he cited in the order.
Since that time, the US Justice Department has made over 2300 pedophile arrests. Several well-known names from the entertainment world have been arrested for sex-related charges, even human trafficking. The New York Attorney General was forced to resign for very similar offenses. And as I write, over 25,000 sealed federal indictments around the country await grand opening. Normal is around 1000.

Federal Prosecutor John Huber
In the January article, I also wrote that the Justice Department would be conducting investigations into the deeds of Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative and various other individuals associated with those parties and entities. Confirming my January statements, two months ago Attorney General Sessions revealed the name of the prosecutor on the cases I described, Utah Federal Prosecutor John Huber. According to Sessions, Huber is working with Justice Department Inspector General Horowitz, who recently offered congressional testimony pertaining to his report on the Clinton email investigation. Importantly, as an outside prosecutor Mr. Huber has authority to include any and all work provided by Horowitz, bring charges against past and present FBI and Justice Department officials, as well as bring charges against former elected government officials. And very importantly, Huber has now been on the job, along with a staff of 470 investigators, for seven months. We can expect a Utah grand jury is convened to hear these cases. With that many sealed indictments already on the books, that would almost have to be the case.
Regarding the IG Report published last week, among the items Mr. Horowitz wrote in his report, and which I found very interesting, were references closely associating former Congressman and convicted sex-offender Anthony Weiner, who happens to be the husband of Hillary Clinton close associate Huma Abedin, listed alongside the Clinton Foundation and the term, “crime against children.”
And so, from all indications, President Trump is readying to bring the hammer down on the criminals who almost took over the US Government. The fat lady is warming up her pipes.
I’m just letting you know so that you will not be surprised.