Exposing DC’s Biggest Secret
If you have been paying attention, you should recognize the extent to which the dark underbelly of the US Government has been exposing itself since Donald Trump decided to run for President. And since Trump actually won, the pace of those exposures has accelerated dramatically. The more the increasingly-desperate criminals who comprise DC’s dark underbelly attempt to derail the Trump presidency, the more they reveal themselves for the American people to finally see who they are and what they are up to.
But the power of the presidency is such that President Trump could immediately rock the world of the DC criminals. With a stroke of his Cross Townsend, Trump could declassify any and all secret FBI/DOJ files he wishes the American people to see. Trump could order Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein to hand over any and all documents sought by Congress. And if Rosenstein might not respond, Trump could fire him in an instant, roadblock removed.

So why doesn’t Trump move to expose those criminal, deep state actors and get this over with? Simple. Trump recognizes greater gain to be had by playing out the string. Like an experienced fisherman, Trump allows his hooked fish to run with the bait. That stirs up other fish and makes them easier to catch. Draining a swamp is not an event. It is a process. And to gain traction on many of his most pressing agenda items, Trump recognizes the need for more conservative Republicans in both Houses of Congress. Trump knows the swamp dwellers aren’t going anywhere on their own. And that means he can time events for maximum political benefit. To maximize the November red wave, Trump will allow the case to build such that the storyline hits its climax shortly before the mid-term elections. Much goes on behind the scenes. Trump sends many signals. But Trump has told us that he will never tip his hand. Secrecy is his ally. It keeps his enemies wondering what he will do next.
But Trump’s secret to-do list does not rate on the scale with certain other DC secrets, long kept from the public by the swamp dwellers. And so today I will let you in on the biggest secret of them all, the MacDaddy. There will be no criminal indictments for me for divulging classified information or anything like that. The swamp dwellers do not care if I tell you this because they expect you will not believe me, or won’t understand. And so whether you fully grasp what I am about to say or not is really no concern for the DC swamp dwellers. They do not care. They believe you are stupid and that there is nothing you can do even if you do know.
But understanding this one scrap of knowledge explains it all. It explains the national debt. It explains why it can never be paid down, certainly never paid off, regardless how much the people are taxed. It explains why Congress keeps increasing the federal deficit despite promises to the contrary. It explains the constant wars America fights, why our military is stationed all over the world. It explains the Iran deal, why Obama opened relations with Cuba.
It explains how it is that the establishment always possesses abundant campaign resources while the patriots scrimp to finance their challenger campaigns. It explains why Congress never seems to pass meaningful legislation for the people, but always passes government giveaway programs for corporations and others undeserving. It explains why we send foreign aid to our enemies indebting the American people in the process, why America maintains a half trillion-dollar annual trade deficit, why US manufacturing industries left America for foreign destinations, and why our government always ignored Saudi human rights violations while condemning those same acts perpetrated by other governments. Understanding this one simple secret explains why Obama and Hillary took out Qaddafi in Libya, why Obama tried so desperately to do the same with Assad in Syria, and why US special forces and mercenary contractors constantly execute missions throughout the belt of Africa with no wars being declared. It even explains why GW Bush led a “coalition of the willing” to take out Saddam in the 2nd Gulf war.
It’s all really very simple, friends. The secret is that the entire American money supply is borrowed into circulation from private, Federal Reserve banks. And every dollar in circulation pays interest back to the bank from which it was issued. But, importantly, because the banks only issue principle, there are never enough dollars to pay the loans back plus interest. That means that in order to keep paying interest on all those loaned dollars, and to keep paying toward the principle, new dollars must always be borrowed and placed into worldwide circulation…forever. The policies I listed above are all to one of two purposes. Either they create ways for new dollars to be added into worldwide circulation, indebting the American people in the process, or they are steps the US Government has taken to overthrow world leaders who threaten the Federal Reserve system.
Currency is the means by which any sovereign pays for its agenda. Thus, whoever controls the issuance of a nation’s currency is that country’s true sovereign. In America’s case, the true sovereign, until Trump, has been the Federal Reserve System. The American government has simply been its tool. And there’s one more big secret: Trump knows everything I just told you, and intends to restore the people’s sovereignty. That’s why they want him out.
But don’t tell anybody.