Contact Your GA House Members to Vote No on HB986-Political Censorship Bill!
Police State Bill Will Imprison You 2-5 Years and $50K fine for Offering Your Opinion
Please contact your GA House Rep to vote NO on HB986. The bill would employ unelected fact-checkers to review your on-line postings for political statements, which in their judgment influence the outcome of an election or referendum.
I thought we were done with this kind of thing.
Sponsors are all Republicans, two representing Forsyth County
Hank. This is Rep. Brad Thomas I am the primary sponsor of the bill and you couldn't be farther off base on this one. This is one of the most preeminent Election Integrity bills in the General Assembly. You need to read the definition of a person which you conveniently don't show. A person is someone who works for a PAC, a Political Candidate, or political organization. So it applies to deepstate political operatives and their money.
Basically, if you had not run for office, this bill wouldn't apply to you. It's okay you made a mistake on this. My advice is to admit to your error and run on what makes you the best candidate for your district. By fearmongering and misrepresenting the truth to scare your voters to choose you, you're already proven to be the type of politician I have been working to rid the Capitol of.